If the return line were clogged, then it would act like any other fuel filter. If the filter itself is clogged, then it will act like any other clogged fuel filter. If you have never cut open an old filter and visually analyzed its contents, you have no idea if your fuel tank is full of sediment, or other "crap" that clogs fuel filters. Some of the clear filters push the fuel from the outside to the inside, where it then enters the carburetor. On these types of filters, you can clearly see the debris. Some, on the other hand, operate in reverse, and you only see the clear filter, so you have to cut them open and examine the paper filter material to determine if there is a problem lurking in your fuel tank. After 50 years, you have no idea how much crap can accumulate in a fuel tank. The only advantage of the new ethanol laced gasoline, is that the problem of water in the fuel is greatly diminished. It has also led to another problem, called phase separation.
First picture, is after the bottle of old gasoline has been sitting for a while
Second picture, I have shaken the bottle to mix the contents
Third picture, taken immediately after shaking, to show that it settles out quickly.
The gasoline that is always at the top, is stale gasoline that doesn't burn well. The contents that are at the bottom of the bottle will not support combustion in the engine!