Classy Cadillacs

Although I didn't get by there very often, the Superior dealership in St. Louis was always a good place to stop. Here are shots from a 1983 visit...okay, so they're not all Cadillacs:

1978 Crown Sovereign Landaulet endloader
1970 Sovereign Landaulet endloader
S-w-e-e-t 1964 Classic combination
1976 Sovereign Landaulet endloader
1968 Cotington combination w/panels
1978 Sovereign Landaulet 3-way
1971 Cotington combination w/panels
Pretty (sort of a subdued metallic seafoam green) 1972 Victoria endloader

(SL photos)


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Procar postcards - Cadillac style

1946 S&S - As discussed elsewhere on this site, funeral homes used to offer free (or reduced price) trips home from the hospital for mother and baby as a good will service to their communities. No ambulance was fully equipped unless it carried a bassinet with blue as well as pink sets of linen!

1949 Miller - The Fairchild F.H. card has a stamped "handwritten" advertising message on the back. (Three-way-radio, by the way, means base-to-car, car-to-base, and car-to-car. The original two-way radios did not have car-to-car capability.)

1968 Kensington - Many procar manufacturers used postcards as part
of their advertising.

(SL collection)


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61-62? MM Ambulance, former race track ambulance for the Lake Geneva, WI raceway. Believe this ambulance was restored a while back but unknown status today.


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MM Ambulance


61-62? MM Ambulance, former race track ambulance for the Lake Geneva, WI raceway. Believe this ambulance was restored a while back but unknown status today.

It s a 61.
From the original post: "This car was converted to a hightop by a funeral home in Ohio, then later sold to Chambers."

and to top it off, this came from a city of 12,000 people. The owner also took a saw to the top of a Chevy Suburban and made a hight top. It leaked into the interior every time it got wet
Do you have photos you can share in the carryall thread on this site?

No, I worked for the service that took over the ambulance contract for the city and surrounding area. We were supposed to start on Oct 1,1973 at 8:00am, but the previous owner and his wife got in their ambulances and took off out of town the night before. We thus started on Sept 30 at 6:00pm Our service started with a 1973 Superior 61 Chevy Widebody, a 1971 Superior Cadillac Combintion, and a 1967 Miller Meteor Combination.
1. '71 Miller Meteor Lifeliner - Irvington, NY Volunteer Ambulance Corps primary rig (Ambulance 14) from '71-'78, then back up (Ambulance 15) from '78-'87.

2. Happened to make one final unofficial run in May, '01 following a request for manpower. (Parade shot however.)

3. '71 Superior 54" - Fountain Hill Emergency Squad, PA

4. '73 Miller Meteor Lifeliner - Also Fountain Hill Emergency Squad, PA. That Federal Q2 must have made it loud in the driver's compartment.

Corrections welcome. I'm admittedly not good IDing post-'65.


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Look's like the ful-views may have been intentional as they had the correct bases..... but the siren-light is definately weird! MM
1. '71 Miller Meteor Lifeliner - Irvington, NY Volunteer Ambulance Corps primary rig (Ambulance 14) from '71-'78, then back up (Ambulance 15) from '78-'87.

3. '71 Superior 54" - Fountain Hill Emergency Squad, PA

4. '73 Miller Meteor Lifeliner - Also Fountain Hill Emergency Squad, PA. That Federal Q2 must have made it loud in the driver's compartment.

1. The Grimes lights appear to have been re-installed backwards; I'll never figure out how the installer (and anyone alse that saw it!) couldn't tell. The "sirenlight" appears to have been cobbled up from pieces on the shelf. Look close in the second photo; it's the front portion of a #20 Sirenlite in a CP-25 shell.

3. She a 51"...and what a beauty! I've always had a thing for white over yellow (or white/yellow/white).

3. Very nice, even with the aftermarket Twinsonic. Note Solar Ray tunnels on both rigs.

Please...keep 'em comin'!
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Just a history note. Fountain Hill Emergency squad was taken over By St Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem. and they now run ALS service to the Boro.
Look's like the ful-views may have been intentional as they had the correct bases..... but the siren-light is definately weird! MM

you look the angle is the same on all 3 of the lights. so it was done intently that way. now matter what we all think you can find a picture showing it was done a different way. not my cup of tea but it must have been there's. bet they really lite up the down town at night.
RE: Fountain Hill

The 1973 M-M ended up in a local junkyard and parted out. The junkyard has since been totally cleaned out,
1960 Volunteer
1. San Juan County AS (Monticello, UT)
2. VFW Post AS (Dove Creek, CO)
3. Steve Loftin
4. Copolla Studios (Los Angeles, CA)

The first photo was sent to me by Summers after they took it in trade from the VFW. I traded a decent '74 Cotington 54 for it straight across in the summer of 1980. The second shot was taken after I had done much cosmetic and mechanical work to it.

The original color scheme was a white top, yellow center, and gold lower. The beacon was a #173 and the whistle a Q1B. I was never able to find replacement tunnel lights (the left rear was out) because they were an odd size...5-5/8", if I remember correctly. The car was 98% complete when I got it; the glass was all good, and she even had a factory AM radio (but no A/C).

I sold her in late 1981 to a fellow Central employee, who eventually sold it to the studio. This car was used in The Outsiders (1983, filmed in Tulsa), with the camera looking out of the windshield as it followed the first ambulance from the school fire:

After the movie was finished, the studio shipped the car to California and I haven't seen or heard of it since.


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