the scags on some, off the other, only half on this one on the pro cars throws me. I'll keep the round on one and forget the sides. thanks
the scags on some, off the other, only half on this one on the pro cars throws me. I'll keep the round on one and forget the sides. thanks
the scags on some, off the other, only half on this one on the pro cars throws me. I'll keep the round on one and forget the sides. thanks
I can usually translate the consistent lack of punctuation and spelling, but scags and all I have no idea what that's about. :cheers:
From dictionary.comI can usually translate the consistent lack of punctuation and spelling, but scags and all I have no idea what that's about. :cheers:
Looks to me like a '66 Superior Rescuer.
This newspaper photo, dated 1/30/57, was taken after the Elmhurst, IL P.D. took delivery of their new 1956 Miller. Their 1950 Eureka is in the background.
Wow. Just wow. If you ever happen to fly through Sharjah International Airport in the United Arab Emirates, check out this '58 S&S on display there (Sharjah Old Car Museum is located within airport).
That 58 S&S is a knockout! It would be even more so with the correct wheel covers.
That 58 S&S is a knockout! It would be even more so with the correct wheel covers.
Thought the same. Could punish pixels into submission and manifest '58 hubcaps.
Here's a sweet '64 Superior ambulance as seen on a used car lot in New Braunfels, TX in the mid-'90s.
Same car today as artistically captured.
Managed to track current owner down and speak with him about coach. Turns out he purchased the Superior from that same dealer. When brake work was needed a couple years back, it was parked. Still started up a couple times a year, still under 30k original miles(!), lights and sirens still work, still has gurney in back, and still in TX with no rot. Says in today's economy he'd sell but wouldn't attach any price, preferring an offer instead. I've asked for more pics.
Interestingly, this ambulance was used in 2 movies: A Perfect World ('93) and Texas Chainsaw Massacre II ('86).