Getting ready for Hudson

car cover will be about the same money as the tint installed and do the same job. I know some people like it, me I have never been a fan. seen to many of them blister and peal off after a time. then they get scrached cleanig the glass and all . a car cover will keep the sun off if you don't have inside storage. it has made a world of diference for my 86 being able to cover it when it's parked. just a though .
I know what you are saying. The car is stored inside, so that is not an issue. I think it will cut down on the heat inside from the sun, and I have always liked the look of it on limousines--it adds a bit of mystery. Nice thing is, if after a while you don't like it, you can just scrape it off.
Are you as excited as I am as we crawl closer to the Ohio meet? If I've done my math correctly, as of this post we only have 49 more days to go.

Are you as excited as I am as we crawl closer to the Ohio meet? If I've done my math correctly, as of this post we only have 49 more days to go.

I hope you won't be showing up in 49 days. If you do, you will have missed the meet by a week. We are 42 days out right now. You can find the countdown on the meet website. :)
I hope you won't be showing up in 49 days. If you do, you will have missed the meet by a week. We are 42 days out right now. You can find the countdown on the meet website. :)

You're right Sarah. I thought it was July 18th but this is even better since it begins on July 12th so we ONLY have 42 days to go! :D

I better get to work on the Lifeliner then!!:wowguy:
Thanks for reminding me how many days I have left to get this car done!! I am even eating in the garage these days. Here is an update, not a pretty one, but an update none-the-less. Pic is of the engine bay as of this afternoon. Carb off to be rebuilt, alternator is back from being rebuilt, power steering pump is off, valve covers are off and painted, have to take the fuel pump off yet (will be replaced with a new one) and then I can finally get the motor cleaned up and painted. Passenger side inner fender refinished and some parts put back on. I will be so happy to be at the convention, it will mean that this car is done!


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go go go. I'm not going to make it with the 63. but it a go for next year in Datona. got to see it running around the track there.
A good day

Had a LONG, but good day today. After about 10 hours of work cleaning, degreasing, wire brushing and then wiping down the engine, I finally got it painted. It SURE does look much better, wow. I have some minor touchup to do in the morning. Yes, the awful looking A/C compressor will be painted black. Now I can start to put things back together, which is a great thing, as we are getting closer to O-Day (Ohio Day, well, week really). I am starting to feel like I just might make it. I am sure you are all tired of seeing pics of this car, but I am going to post them anyway, sorry.

1. 10am this morning
2 & 3. 9pm this evening


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Clean the paint out of the choke coil spring hole in the intake manifold before you put the carburetor back on. The paint will burn off, and might contaminate the choke spring mechanism. Also, remove any paint that is on any of the fittings that take rubber hoses. When these get hot, the paint will act like glue to hold the hoses on, and you will need a razor to remove them in the future. Also, clean the paint off any studs that have bolts being reinstalled on them. Paint may cause the threads to jam up the threads in the nuts. Save yourself a lot of work by doing this now before you have a lot of items reinstalled, and it is more difficult. Paul
Well, it may be, oh well. It was the closest color I could find at the local parts store. I know I could have got paint from Eastwood, etc. but wanted something I could easily get more of if I needed it. It did look darker on the's really not that far off from what was on there originally. At this point, I am just happy it's painted!
Well, it may be, oh well. It was the closest color I could find at the local parts store. I know I could have got paint from Eastwood, etc. but wanted something I could easily get more of if I needed it. It did look darker on the's really not that far off from what was on there originally. At this point, I am just happy it's painted!

You are certainly putting some effort into that Limo Shawn-Looks great and wish I had your patience. Can't wait to see it next month.