Classy Cadillacs

What a beauty!

Coram, NY
1964 S&S

This one deserves a post all to itself:

(SL collection)


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Fanwood, NJ
1971 S&S
Note the seldom-seen Whelen speaker/strobes; I've seen these on at least one other S&S over the years.

Unidentified NJ car...anybody?
1965 S/C

(SL collection)


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like commercial paint schemes sometimes the garbage on top of the S&S is wow and sometimes it's Duh. but there is no mistaking who made it.
Everyone loves a parade

Monroeville, PA
1967 Rescuer

Middletown, PA
1964 Eureka

Birdsboro, PA
Beautiful 1961 Volunteer (I wonder if blue and gold were their school colors?)

Somewhere in PA
1956 Moderne endloader (unusual to see a hearse in a parade)

(SL collection)


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McDonald Funeral Home in Rock Falls

I sold Joe McDonald the '63 Eureka combination that Ed probably saw when touring with Larry Dirks. I had plans to restore the car when I found my '54 Eureka (see Halloween posting). I bought it in Minneapolis way back around 1990, and drove it home from there, stopping in Rock Falls to show Larry and former Eureka Chief Engineer Walt Cassens. I have a photo of Larry and Walt, taken in Rock Falls that day, perhaps I can scan and post it. oops..... wait. Someone might see the rust in the rockers. Nah, forget it.
I sold Joe McDonald the '63 Eureka combination that Ed probably saw when touring with Larry Dirks. I had plans to restore the car when I found my '54 Eureka (see Halloween posting). I bought it in Minneapolis way back around 1990, and drove it home from there, stopping in Rock Falls to show Larry and former Eureka Chief Engineer Walt Cassens. I have a photo of Larry and Walt, taken in Rock Falls that day, perhaps I can scan and post it. oops..... wait. Someone might see the rust in the rockers. Nah, forget it.

Time for you to grow a thicker skin...........:my2cents:

I think that this is the first picture that I have see a car with a Sireno beacon mounted on it.. If fact, I probably wouldn't even know what it was if I didn't get one with my Chevy........ If you really want to get an idea of how old these car are, just think about the little girl in the picture at the rear of the car... If she was 10 years old when this picture was taken, she is probably 50 or 60 today, depending on how old the picture is...
The M-M Interceptor, with 50" headroom, was only offered in 1970. There weren't many built; I've never actually seen one, and only have photos of four. Here are two different examples in California:

(SL collection)


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Last edited:
Here are a pair of Superior/Cadillac 51" hightops from Pennsylvania w/C6B sirenlights.

Note that Saxonburg's '72 has four lighted signs, which makes dual rear load lights necessary. Other options on this car include junior west coast mirrors, intersection lights, the siren and beacon (always optional), and Unity #10300 spotlights.

Slovan's '71 looks great with her optional Solar Ray tunnel lights. Other upgrades include two-tone paint and a Unity #225 spotlight.

(SL collection)


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I always loved the California warning light configuration . Great attention getter especially with B&M Super Cheif or Unitrol 800 sirens . They don't make ambulances like they used to anymore and I like to hear "war stories" from the EMT's & attendants that worked "back in the day" .
I think that this is the first picture that I have see a car with a Sireno beacon mounted on it.

Here's one with four of 'em! Shown here as a trade-in at Stratus, she came from Thayer County A.S. in Nebraska. I don't know who the original owner was. This girl was amazingly rust-free when photographed in 1991.

(SL photo)


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'63 Eureka combination

When I owned this car, I remember pulling back some panel, and the purple colored cloth was actually a beautiful deep blue when new. I can only guess that some chemical decomposition occurred in the cloth, because the color change is even all over. The purple, though, did grow on me, and I never thought of re-dyeing it. Tom
In 1988, we were contacted by the Kuhns Mortuary (now Powell-Kuhns) in Las Animas, Colorado for a removal and embalming job. We made arrangements to meet the next day in western Oklahoma so they could save some driving time. Imagine my surprise when Mr. Kuhns showed up in this gorgeous '64 Victoria 3-way electric with Levelizer. What a car!

(SL photo)


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Like '64s?

Clarence, NY
1964 Superior 50" (my favorite of the three, in spite of the "off brand" beacon)

Hinsdale, NY
1964 M-M 48"

Lake Shore, NY
1964 S&S 54" (love those fins on the tunnels)

(SL collection)


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Franklinville, NY
1972 M-M 48" (note Dietz 211-WW beacon)

Warren Hills, NJ
1976 Superior 54" (ex-?)

Bergen Co. EMS Training Center (Paramus, NJ)
1976 Superior 54" (ex-?)

(SL collection)


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Worst application in history for a Visibar

Medical Transport Service (Zanesville, OH)
1973 S/C 54"

(SL photo)


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Star A.S. (Gahanna, OH)
1962 Crown Royale Limousine combination

Madasz F.H. (Brookfield, OH)
1971 Superior 54"

(Brett Barber photos)


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