My partner at a private ambulance service I used to work at used to Armor-All the dash, the seats, the steering wheel, and even the gas & brake pedals. Makes the truck very hard to drive in DC traffic..... I was not pleased. :thumbsdown:
I"m a former career Firefighter/EMT in a fire department in Arizona. I was assigned as an Engineer (driver/pump or ladder operator). We would change shifts at 0800. You would arrive at the station around 0740, and find the trucks sitting on the ramp behind the station. The off-going shift was supposed to clean the rig before shift change. You do "shift report" with your opposite at 0750, anything wrong with the rig, what was used, blah, blah, and blah.
During shift report we got a call at 0758, so being the nice guys we were, we took the call. On the way out the door my guy said "I spuffied up the interior this morning". We were second due engine in 11's area, about a 6 mile ride. Jumped in the rig and WOW, everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING had been Armour-All'd. The seats, floor, pedals, steering wheel, siren controls, dash, all our map books (in vinyl binders), EVERTHING!!! Scott, my Captain was pissed (no, make that PISSED!!!!).
We had to cancel ourselves on the response because it contaminated our turnout gear. THAT will cause a lot of questions from guys wearing white shirts with lots of collar brass. We spent the next several hours at Fleet Services getting the rig cleaned up. We had to get issued new turnouts. The guy who did it got 3 days off.
What's really bad is, if that call had come in after 0800 that mess would have belonged to Scott and me. We would have got the time off, because we accepted the rig in unacceptable for response condition. Lesson learned, look inside the rig prior to shift report.