Pontiac procar pics

Here is one more for you, snagged looking for other things. It was a picture of a wreck on a race track. both the trucks in the corner caught my eye. I don't believe I have seen this window treatment on a short wheel base ambulance before1950 s sedan delivery.jpg
1970 Pontiac Superior Coach Ransomville Volunteer Fire Co.

Found this old picture, taken approximately 1982. I lost the bid on this car by $ 250.00 (Sealed bid auction) I don't remember where it went.Scan.jpg  1970 Pontiac  Ransomville Fire Co.).jpg
1962? Superior. Weston Mills NY fire co. I really like the lines of these old Pontiac's.

Thanks Denny. If you could only order one of those from the factory today.The Superior Pontiacs have a great look. :thumbsup:

As an aside question, would a blue beacon have been a common site in the sixties in some areas of the US on an ambulance? Not something we would have seen up here in Canada.
Tim different areas allow different colors - many volunteer firefighters are allowed to use blue and I believe that is now NFPA spec - in the sixties in our area most ambulances were run by Police Dept's so blue lighting was very common
now thats a car I could be persuaded to buy. love those 59 ponchos. and a low top to boot. great shot of why you don't want to get cheap and spend a few bucks more for a better gurney. I'm guessing if ferno has just put 4 crazy wheel on there 26-27-28 searies more backs would have been saved.
now thats a car I could be persuaded to buy. love those 59 ponchos. and a low top to boot. great shot of why you don't want to get cheap and spend a few bucks more for a better gurney. I'm guessing if ferno has just put 4 crazy wheel on there 26-27-28 searies more backs would have been saved.

I am with you Ed, she is a beauty!
1967 Superior LWB Pontiac Landau Combination

This '67 Superior LWB Pontiac landau combination has been sitting in Norfolk, NE for years. Surprisingly enough, it is in far better condition that the photos make it out to be. Most of the rust is just surface and much of what you see is red primer under the white paint. The combination interior is 100% original, right down to its original stretcher bar and jump seats. I appologize for the lousy photos. It was a very bright day. This one needs to be saved soon!


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the rarest of the rare. these double duty cars were more of the norm in our neck of the woods then straight hearses. and a lot of them landaus
the rarest of the rare. these double duty cars were more of the norm in our neck of the woods then straight hearses. and a lot of them landaus

I will let you know if the guy decides to sell. It is sitting at his Dad's place and Dad would love to see it gone. The Son has owned it for 20+ years and hasn't done anything to it other than replace the carpet in the rear. As I said, it is 100% complete!
I was at a cruise in at the Carnation Mall tonight and snapped this one of my 66


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Here's Another Shot

I knew I had taken more than one.


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1968 Superior Pontiac Amulance

My old 68 Superior-Pontiac.


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