What is the point of putting them down for doing anything that they did for this service and this family? Do you think they were supposed to try to hide who they were or what the name of the funeral home is? Do you think that any funeral home in this nation would have been able to keep everything under wraps in a situation like this?
Whenever a celebrity dies, the firm caring for their body is always mentioned. Frank E. Campbell in NYC is famous for doing celebrity funerals for over a hundred years.
And Mike, no need to apologise for asking about the preparation of the body. Most of the people on this forum either have been or are emplyees of a funeral home/mortuary so it is natural to be curious as to the details of such things.
Now as far as a review of the funeral itself, I think from what I watched on Youtube it would have been an experience to be able to attend, regardless of your opinions of Whitney or the cause of her demise. This was THE black church-related event of the decade. Everyone who was anyone in the american black higher up world was there, unless they couldn't make it or were not issued an invitation.
For Whigham Funeral Homes' part. I believe from everything I've seen that they did a great job with the hand that they were dealt. It looked like everything went off without a hitch, but no one would know that for sure but them. When owner Carolyn Whigham was interviewed by the media, she came across as polite but firm, not like somebody putting on airs. She said in the interview that they intended to handle everything with dignity, respect and professionalism; and I think they hit a home run. They also had a matched fleet, and that's always a winner.
I will say this though. If you have a black funeral home in your town, and they are upper class, chances are that they will handle funerals with more class than a white firm. Now keep in mind I'm only speaking for what I know and have seen personally. There is an even split of funeral homes in my town, 3 white 3 black. And one of the 3 black firms is the nicest and most professional of any of them. No other firm in town even has an all matched fleet like they do. They also have many white families that entrust their loved ones to them for their final arrangements.
We can all say what we would've done and how we would've handled it, but until you are there none of us can really say. We just need to be thankful that the funeral profession was once again portrayed in an extremely positive light, and the value and benefit of a funeral service was shown to it's fullest extent.