John Royark JR
PCS Member
And here the lincolns.
Chassis: Lincoln Town Car (3rd generation, 1998-2011, but this is a car from before the facelift in 2003). It is first registered in 2000
Coachbuilder: ???
Style: landau...
Chassis: Lincoln Town Car (3rd generation, 1998-2011, but this is a car from before the facelift in 2003). This one is first registered in 2001.
Coachbuilder: ???
Style: Landau...
Chassis: Lincoln Town Car (3rd generation, 1998-2011, but this is a car from after the facelift in 2003). This one is first registered in 2005.
Coachbuilder: ???
Style: Landau...
Chassis: Lincoln Town Car (3rd generation, 1998-2011, but this is a car from after the facelift in 2003). Car is still on trade plates, so may very well be new.
Coachbuilder: Federal???
Style: Landau... is this what they call a family hearse or does it have an official name? Interesting car, and very long!
Chassis: Lincoln MKT. Still on trade plates, so possibly new.
Coachbuilder: Eagle, the American Eagle (there is also Wilcox/Eagle in the UK)
Style: Icon? Landau
Hope I don't ask too much! I'm really impressed and grateful for all your time and effort.
The first and third pic is a Federal not sure but model may be Stratford.
The second pic is a Eureka Kingsford.
The 4th and 5th pic are a Federal Family Coach
the last is a 2012 or 13 Eagle Icon.
The others is very hard to tell years, but you do have the range correct. No idea on production numbers on things this new.
The 1998-2002 are my favorite year of newer Lincolns (and the 2012-13)