Unusual Flower Car

In my frequent Google image searches, I came across this photo of a very unusual flower car in NJ. Any ideas on the Coachbuilder? Wolfington? Specialty?

I'm guessing this is a stretched sedan from a non-CMC (Cadillac Master Coachbuilder), as it doesn't have the 8-lug commercial wheels. And it's looking a little saggy in the rear.


Here's the link to the story, with appropriate photo credit. Mr. Falco sounds like the kind of guy we'd all like to know.

It may have been one build by PL Costum in Manasquan,NJ or one that was done by Wilner in Edison, NJ. I would need a closer look to tell for sure. But based on were the funneral was I would have to say that it was build by Wilner in Edison. Both companies use regular 4 door sedans.