TPC bonus issue

I thought for sure today would be the wasn't. :wussie:
Mailing times

This is the first time I've had the chance to track a wide-spread 3rd class periodical. If you are really interested in a more uniform delivery time for the magazine, we'd have to change from current standard (3rd class) to Periodical-rate postage which would bump it up to second class and then the magazines wouldn't be tossed in with the junk mail which can linger indefinitely as they are now.
Second-class would see more consistent delivery and faster times. Non-profit mailings fall somewhere in the middle and could be looked into more, but they are treated as 3rd-class also, so the gain would be small, if at all. And yes Paul, I do work in a Postal Distribution Center, until a decade of mismanagement at the USPS closes it down...
If the current plans for the USPS go through, expect 2-3 weeks for standard mail delivery in the future, as well as 3-7 days for first class.
Finally, I am glad and urge whoever makes these decisions to ensure that we keep wrapping the magazines in plastic. Loose 3rd-class magazines are torn, shredded and de-covered like you wouldn't believe.

what is nice about this group is there is some one that know a lot on any subject that comes up. thanks for the input. that really explains the mystery on the shot gun delivery. now that our printing cost have been contained the step up in mailing may be a option.
Today I am going to ask my post person if she is done reading my magazine :badbad:

Outstanding, Bravisimo! Second to none! Well worth the wait. :specool:
Ron, I'm officially jealous. After calling first dibs, who would have known I would be the last one to get theirs? Maybe mine will arrive tomorrow.
Delivery of this issue of The Professional Car gives new meaning to "snail mail"....... :pat:
I had a meeting tonight for EMS Advisory Board, Dave Viola who co-owns a car with Herb de la Porte and works for Bob Smith, said Bob was very happy with the issue. So Bob got his too.