Tpc 140

Both you and Philip are life members. Possibly the mail men decided that your lifetime was up... :yankchain:
If you still have your mailing label, it will show you what issue your membership expires with. If it expires with 140, then it is time to renew your membership. If you are one of the people that didn't renew your membership in the past, please consider rejoining, and you will once again get to read what every everyone is talking about on these forums. It is the best $30 you will spend this year. That is about 8 cents per day for a years full of enjoyment. :thumb:
Got mine yesterday - thanks to Jeff and Mary for sending out a replacement. Great article about Weller Brothers! I don't have the book, but was wondering, how many Wellers are still around, and does anyone in the PCS own one? It looks like they did some pretty nice work during their time of operation.