Stay safe, just remember as hard as it seems to think about homes and cars can be replaced, your life can not. Comming from being in many tornados, they are very serious act of nature, and level a whole town in a couple minuts. Just look up Parkersburg, Iowa a couple years ago.
Usually this is the kind of weather we have in Iowa from now through summer. Nothing like this here yet though. If you are not used to these kind of storms they are real bad, just imagine getting caught on the highway when one hits!
I had a friend once say " I would rather be in a hurricane, at least the people have days warning to prepair. Around here a sunny day can cloud up and drop a tornado in front of you in just a few minuts", and he is correct. We were at a car show, not a cloud in the sky, and all the sudden the sponsers were telling everyone to leave there is a huge storm comming. Less than 15 minuts later a bad storm tore the countryside apart. I live about a half hour from the town the show was in and had my 49 going top speed, comming home (which was actually pretty unsafe and foolish, but I was not the only one, there were people passing me, I made it home in 10 mins.) and it started hailing as soon as I got it in the garage and shut the door.