My experience
The above writers all make valid points. My '76 S&S Victoria has a '69 472 engine in it. (I was told the original engine was run with very little water and cooked itself to death, got replaced by Uncle Charlie Butler.) I have an actual temperature gauge in this car. I have taken it to PCS in Kingston and Cadillac/LaSalle in Kansas City, both on very hot days, especially coming back from Kansas City, 96 degrees. I can't remember what gradations are shown on the gauge, but I DO know that after a while of driving, the needle will get slightly into the red and stay there as long as you're driving. This is with the a/c running. I believe it will be slightly lower when I turn the a/c off. Anyway, my point is simply that I had two choices. Drive the car, or not drive the car, with the needle getting into the red. I chose to keep driving, and if I didn't have the gauge, I wouldn't have known any different. It drove just fine, and still does. One of these days, though, if I'm desperate to spend money on a car, I'll probably have the radiator either rodded or replaced. My radiator guru says that rodding ought to do the job. If nothing else, I hope this makes you feel a little better, Dana. I look forward to seeing you again in Hudson. Tom