Paul Saether
PCS Treasurer - Life Member
On first glance I loved it, then the Federal roof lines sunk in!
As an Eagle Ultimate Elite lover, my eye was caught by the chrome crown and the painted roof. The first pictures I saw were small, and I didn't notice that same old Federal roof line. I do like the interior, except the strange divider window.
Now that I look more carefully at the pictures Tony posted, that ugly roof line that Federal is famos for is really giving me trouble. I think Eagle has a much more graceful and beautiful roof line on their cars. That is why I love them so much.
I am anxious to find out what the price difference is between these cars and an Eagle Ultimate Elite. It was suggested to me that the difference might be as much as $25,000. If this is true, I might learn to get along with that roof line for $25,000! Maybe there would be a way of dressing it up a bit, or distracting your eye away from the "boxieness" with a little chrome strip or something.
Paul Saether
As an Eagle Ultimate Elite lover, my eye was caught by the chrome crown and the painted roof. The first pictures I saw were small, and I didn't notice that same old Federal roof line. I do like the interior, except the strange divider window.
Now that I look more carefully at the pictures Tony posted, that ugly roof line that Federal is famos for is really giving me trouble. I think Eagle has a much more graceful and beautiful roof line on their cars. That is why I love them so much.
I am anxious to find out what the price difference is between these cars and an Eagle Ultimate Elite. It was suggested to me that the difference might be as much as $25,000. If this is true, I might learn to get along with that roof line for $25,000! Maybe there would be a way of dressing it up a bit, or distracting your eye away from the "boxieness" with a little chrome strip or something.
Paul Saether