the thing is if you told some one you can't smoke here the first response was "WHY" the statement "O2 on board" was a executable answer that did not lead to a argument. some were from there it got to the O2 will blow up type of thing. when really all you wanted was them not to smoke in a confined place, were you were trying to work. smoking was so ingrained in the 20s-80s that people excepted it. smokers expected to be able to indulge there habits at anytime anyplace. to cut this back a lie was created, a urban legend born and the snow ball effect was in place. if you listen to the adds in the telly now days anyone of us born and raised in those days should have been either dead or dieing. seat belts first then smokers. next month is tanning beds. now we are all ready setting up fat people. it will get to the point were you have to stand on a scale and be measured in height to find out what your big mack will cost. 5 bucks plus the fat tax.
riding in the back of a pickup was normal. my kids did the same. I can remember ridding home after a long day working in the sun, no shirt, no sun block, on the roof of a 51 chevy pick up. if things happen we took responsibility not looked for a third party to blame. just were are all these people that these safety taxes were to save anyway. be honest it's all about revenue. not about safety or health care.
the lighter was there for the convenience of the attendant on the return trip or on the way to. smoking relaxed you helped you think and all that. to not have one was a major inconvenience and would not be thought of. funny thing is how the younger crowd thinks something the old crowd except as normal, as being so strange. sometime let me tell you the story of monkeys in a cage, a ladder, bananas and a fire hose. one of the finest examples of excepted behavior one can find.
riding in the back of a pickup was normal. my kids did the same. I can remember ridding home after a long day working in the sun, no shirt, no sun block, on the roof of a 51 chevy pick up. if things happen we took responsibility not looked for a third party to blame. just were are all these people that these safety taxes were to save anyway. be honest it's all about revenue. not about safety or health care.
the lighter was there for the convenience of the attendant on the return trip or on the way to. smoking relaxed you helped you think and all that. to not have one was a major inconvenience and would not be thought of. funny thing is how the younger crowd thinks something the old crowd except as normal, as being so strange. sometime let me tell you the story of monkeys in a cage, a ladder, bananas and a fire hose. one of the finest examples of excepted behavior one can find.