Please Read Before Posting

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Paul Steinberg

PCS Life Member Past President 2010-2012 2020-2024
Super Site Supporter
For announcing Pro Car related shows, events, meetings, etc.. that conform to PCS beliefs and guidelines for showing professional cars.
Please start the thread title with the following info: MONTH, DATE - Name of Show - City & State. All detailed information should be posted in the body of the post. Please check all information for accuracy before you submit the post. Once your post is made, the moderator be notified and will verify that the post is formatted properly. He will also scan it for errors. You are ultimately responsible for all information of the post. Please make sure everything is correct before you submit the post. Please only make one post to the forum per event. Do not post the event to other forums, except the General Discussion forum if you are looking for comments. We reserve the right to post it to other forums at our discretion. Events are to be posted no more than 30 - 45 days in advance, and should be for events such as car shows. Events that are directed toward only your chapter members, such as meetings should be posted to your club website if you have one. Changes to dates, locations, or other pertinent information should be sent via the "Contact Us" links on the site immediately after you make a updated posting to the forum, so we can remove the outdated info to avoid confusion. We make no guarantee about getting updated information out to the public in a timely manner, but will make every effort to do so. Updates to the posts must be made as separate posts, and will be merged with the original post appropriately. Management reserves the right to delete any posts at their sole discretion. These threads are closed so other members don't make non essential postings to them. If you have questions, please email me, and include a telephone contact number in case I need to discuss this with you.
This is a closed forum. Responses are not permitted. Please don't attempt to post to this forum. If you have questions or comments, please send a Private Message or email to the person that is listed as the contact person. The only postings that will be added are postings that give further information about the event and those posts MUST be made by the original poster, or someone known to be associated with the event. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Please read the rules of each Forum to understand how posting should be done.
If you need to add to your post, please start a new thread with the original title, and I will merge the two together..
We reserve the right to change and or modify these posting rules as neccessary.
Thanks Paul
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