Bill Carlin
PCS Life Member
The police badges are also on the right side of their chest when the hand written words are any police departments wear their badges on the right side?
Interesting, do you have any info on that?
The writing must have been on the negative. The word PACKARD on the door sill is correct when the handwriting is backwards. Also, the window switch on the closed front door only has one switch, making it a passenger door, not the drivers door. So, while the handwriting is backwards, the photo is correct.
Youngstown, OH
1948 Henney/Packard ambulance
I have to admit that, until I ran across this shot today, I had forgotten about the "hurry up" term for emergency calls.
Funeral home secretary to ambulance crew, after hanging up phone, and handing us the address or location on a piece of paper: "Got a 'hurry up' for you..."
(SL collection)
Pike's Peak touring in late '30s.