

One of my daughters taught me how to send photos last night about 8:30 om! NOW, i need to learn how ro take better photos! Thanks to everyone who helped! lol ck
79 m/m

I had been looking for a combination for some time. This 79 came up but was bought before I made the move. A year later what I thought was another became available. Turned out to be the 1 st coach and the owner had put only 500 miles on it. I made the deal, flew out and drove it home. During thar year year my father had passed and one day in the mail my brother and I each reced. a small Military Life Insurance check that our father had taken out while he was in the Service. I put that money towards the purchase! On the way back home and every time I look at this coach I give my dad a THANKS DAD. My dad would be 105 now! He, He You are never to old for a THANKS!

Oh. this coach was owned by Bob Smith who used it for the Amish. The original owner bought it off a Convention floor but used it strictly as a hearse. It has never been used as a combination.
to put the picture in your post. you need to scroll down under the box you write in and click on the manage attachments tap. that will allow you to attach the pictures from your computer to the message. such as this one off he boys chilling this am. don't forget to click the up load button like I do half the time.


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