Gas tank cleaning

Bill Leverett

PCS Member/Paramedic Supervisor
I'm attempting to clean the gas tank for my '53 Barnette/Pontiac. There is a significant amount of rust and scale in the tank.

I've tried the vinegar/chain shaking/baking soda trick with some limited success.

I've tried the solvent cleaning method with a chain and vigorous shaking with limited success.

I'm now trying the electrolysis method with Sodium Carbonate solution and a cathode.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks Jean-Marc...I was hoping to do a home-fix but that osn't working out.

I found a place in Langley BC that will do it for 200$ so probably well worth that price considering time and materials.
If you want to go the vinegar route, then get 45% vinegar from Amazon, if it is available in Canada. It will strip rust off of steel, and skin off of fingers. It is about $20 US per gallon. I use it for cleaning rusted items and it leaves them with a black finish. If you use vinegar, follow up with a fresh water rinse or two and then a box of baking soda to neutralize the acid in the vinegar. I would then slosh some diesel fuel around inside of the tank to give it a protective coating until you put gasoline into it. The diesel residue will not hurt the engine or the carburetor when you get around to driving the car. If the fuel sender is rusted, then check out the Recommended Vendor list in the forums for people who rebuild them.
As Ed says, I had mine "boiled", and that was not able to do the job. My problem was it had been previously lined, and with prolonged sitting the lining had incompletely started to flake off. This then also revealed recurrent rust under the liner material. A real mess.
My mechanic then took it on with his "home cooked" remedy, and so far it has been a great success. I know some of it involved baking in the sunshine, with his cocktail inside, so may have to wait for more fair weather days. If you need his recipe, I can get it, and forward it to you.
The $200.00, if they will guarantee the work is not too bad.
Thanks Jean-Marc...I was hoping to do a home-fix but that osn't working out.

I found a place in Langley BC that will do it for 200$ so probably well worth that price considering time and materials.
That is the route I picked for my little Triumph TR7. The gas tank was leaking, so they cleaned it, patched it, and coated both the interior and exterior. Looks better than new and came with a warranty. It is an industrial radiator shop that specializes in radiators (obviously lol) and refurbishing gas tanks.