This came up again yesterday when I was contacted by a funeral director who text to say, "I just touched the hearse used in Elvis' funeral...". I told them they had not. Turns out the visit was made with a 1976 M-M Crestwood(the funeral hearse is obviously the downsized 1977 M-M), to me, the hearse coming out of the hospital on the Elvis removal was clearly a 1976 M-M Traditional Landau. The photo I posted shows a M-M ad slick for a Crestwood, the black hearse in the newspaper photo shows the stainless steel bands of a Crestwood, sans the wood paneling - probably wore out and gone long ago.
I do not understand how even any amateur car buff could look at the photo of the hearse coming out of the hospital, and look at the photo of the car in question, and think it is the same model.
It has been suggested that the 76 was "converted" or "made to look like" a Crestwood.
I have been in this business for 43 years now, and the notion that a corporate funeral entity (or independtly owned firm even) in 1977 looked at a year old car and said, "We need to send this back and get it made into a Crestwood", or a someone said, "Let's get rid of the current landau bars and make this look like a Crestwood....", is just not credible with me. Funeral Directors change colors, add chrome on a b post, and do different things, but changing a car into a another model just not does not sound right to me.
I feel like I am going through the Barrett-Jackson debacle over the Kennedy car again.
De Ja Vu...or, it was night when this surface, so Night Ja Vu...