No, but I think, in the end, we all ended up working for one whether we wanted to or not.
I worked for F+B Ambulance. Oh, sure, it had a different name, and it was a few years later, and it was in a different state. But it was exactly the same - multi-color rigs with mag wheels, cockamamie partners, nasty burgers at odd times of the day or night, carrying people up or down the stairs in ratty city apartment buildings. Our "Mr. Fishbein" had a different name, but he was still worried about "$42.50 plus 50c a mile" (though it was $70 plus $3 a mile by the time I was there). We even had a "jugs", though her name was different, too (I can e-mail it to you if you really want to know). And I fully expected someone to come in and shoot up the office one day (never did).
The names changed, but the story was the same. And that's why MJ&S is so danged funny.