Dad's Down - But Not Out

Steve, sorry to hear this, please let Gene know we are thinking of him and of course our thoughts are with you as well.

Jon and Denise
Thinking of Gene and you Steve !


Really sad news to hear this. Your dad is a great man !

I hope this is all behind you both soon and he is back up and running
better than before.

Make sure you take care of yourself as well. He needs you strong to help
him out too.

Take care and keep us up to date on his progress.

You are both people I admire and am glad I can call you my friends !!!

See you soon,
this kind of thing keeps up you'll have to get a saddle for Pet and let Gene ride him. heang in there keep what you need and pass the rest of the good wishes on for us.

Thank you for keeping us informed about your dad. Gene has been a friend for more years than any of us probably care to think about; heck, he's an Honorary Northlander! I think the title of your post is most appropriate, "Down but not Out." Gene's strong spirit and determination to deal with whatever life throws at him is admirable and something we can all learn from.

And the fact you have stood by him, giving as much personal care as you can is admirable too, Steve. Our thoughts and uplifting prayers will continue to be with both of you.
Basically all that was said above, will keep you and your dad in my prayers.
Hope he's up soon!
Hope he gets well soon, he has many more PCS events to attend. Christie and I always enjoy talking to him and we will be thinking about him in these times. Also steve, remember your own health is still important too, many times we forget that in these trying times.
Thanks, all, for your well-wishes. I read them all (including 66 posts from Facebook) to him today.

He was up a bit today and was walking very slightly better. It ain't great, but it's better than nothing.

Long story, but he had to stay one more night (tonight) in the hospital so that he'd been in for 72 hours - if you're not in the hospital for at least 72 hours, Medicare doesn't cover future nursing home care. Amazing how the government can still manage to spend $10 to save $5.

I think he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, to a nursing & rehab center in town. I'll keep everyone updated as things progress.
Wow haven't been on in a while and sorry to hear this news although I cannot see a minor stroke keeping Gene down.
Best wishes for both of you, Steve. I've known your dad a long time, and it was terrific talking with him in Hudson. Tom
Best wishes


I am catching up here. Please give your father my heartfelt best wishes as he continues on the road to recovery. It may be slow-going but I assume he will do well and get back home after a rehab period.

Keep me posted if your time permits.

Best regards,

Roger D White
Down but not out

HI Steve. We are Sorry to hear about Gene's illness. We are hoping and praying he gets better asap and is back doing his normal Routine.
please keep us updated

Russ. Barb. and The MotorCity Chapter
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I haven't been on the Website for a while and didn't read the news until today (1/21). My prayers will be with him (and you) for full recovery of the use of his legs.

Please greet him from George and me and let him know we're thinking of him.

Bee Hamlin