Bier Pins

I knew this thread would finally get around to that subject. Now that Mike's question is answered, I think it's OK to talk about this. My 41 Henney Packard 3 way has round bier pins with square shaft going in to a square hole that is offset, so when you rotate the pin it is in a different position, just like the hex pins aforementioned. It has a pin on each end of the table and 2 on each side, making a total of 6 pins. This car really needs the side pins because the rollers are chrome, not rubber. Without them, the casket would slide sideways.

they did use a few diferent ones . 66 superior are round not hex. then there was the ones with the round face pad and the friction slide not screw. I think I have half of one of them floatign around here. you can find a set I might have a extra one here.
Hex pins are still being used. My 1995 Superior Chevy has them, and I have seen other newer coaches use them again. I read somewhere that they are stronger than round ones and do not shear off as easy in an accident.
recently, (past 15 years) S&S started using hex pins in their coaches again. S&S also has two stationary pins in the front and one adjustable in the rear.
recently, (past 15 years) S&S started using hex pins in their coaches again. S&S also has two stationary pins in the front and one adjustable in the rear.

Thanks, I knew I saw other coachbuilders use this besides Superior but couldnt think who. Actually I guess S&S and Superior are one in the same anyway.