I may be out of line here,and Paul, if you feel the need to delete this, I understand. But it seems to me, that lately our friendly discussions have become not so friendly. People seem to be getting offended and irritated over small things that normally wouldn't matter. This is a website for people that share a interest in Professional Cars to come together and talk about our interests, and a way for members to communicate with other members that don't live close to them. With out this site, the PCS and our hobby, wouldn't be what it is. The PCS and this website are made up of a wonderful group of people, and I have the utmost respect for each and every one of you, and consider many of you my close friends. You guys are like family to me. On the other hand, everyone has there own opinions, and not everyone is going to agree with them. Thats why they are called opinions. If someone has an opinion you don't agree with, theres no reason to get mad about it, they may not agree with your opinion either. Yeah we may pick on each other from time to time, but for the most part, its all in fun, and for the most part, the other person knows its just in fun, and is not offended by it. I'm not trying to step on anyones toes, or call anyone out, I've just been noticing a few comments lately that are uncalled for. This is a great group of people, and you guys are the best friends a guy could ask for, and I don't want us to get away from that. If you look at all the other forums and clubs out there, you won't find any other club or forum that is as close as we are. If I have offended anyone, I apologies for that, but I felt this was something that needed to be addressed.