A shocking experience explained...

Paul Steinberg

PCS Life Member Past President 2010-2012 2020-2024
Super Site Supporter
Today, while researching for replacement shocks for my Chrysler ambulance, I came across this video. It explains the difference between what originally came on our vehicles and the modern day replacement shocks. Finding the correct shock for your vehicle shouldn't be based on price alone, but more attention should be given to how that new part is going to work on your car. I would guess that most Commercial Chassis came from the factory with a heavy duty shock, however, all the replacement catalogs don't differentiate between a standard passenger car chassis and the commercial chassis. It will be up to the owner to seek out this information.

Interesting, though a quick check of their online catalog for 1969 and 1975 Cadillacs shows no commercial chassis applications. I wonder if KYB is a company that might do a production run if there were sufficient demand? I'm pretty sure that RWD Cadillac shocks were the same from '65-'76.
What I had done was to find an old number in my Monro catalog, and then checked the Monro book for the cross over reference to a modern production item. Then I contacted KYB and gave them the part number, and they crossed it to a current production KYB shock. From there, I went to the engineering department where they pulled out the drawing for the first KYB number, and found another shock with similar physical characteristics and dimensions. It is up to me, to decide if I want to use this shock, since they will only give you the measurements, and you have to decide it it will work. I am certain that they can come up with something, given a good cross reference number. This is where all my old catalogs come into play, along with knowing who and where to call. I have a friend that works at a master parts distribution warehouse, and he allows me to use his contact numbers.
Aha!! Well Paul, with the recent thread elsewhere on the board bemoaning cars tricked up w/ Ghostbuster paraphenalia, I can't help but think when we need parts numbers for shocks (and who knows what else you've got info on!)......(music please).."Who ya gonna call?.....Paul Steinberg!!":D
I draw the line at dinosaur parts.. :D I haven't dealt with knee action shocks since the 1960's, and back then, I could get replacements from a local distributor. They have long since gone by the wayside, and I don't know anyone that rebuilds them that I would recommend. I do know that the Model A guys have someone that does them, but I have heard mixed reviews. Sorry, I can't help with this problem.
I draw the line at dinosaur parts.. :D I haven't dealt with knee action shocks since the 1960's, and back then, I could get replacements from a local distributor. They have long since gone by the wayside, and I don't know anyone that rebuilds them that I would recommend. I do know that the Model A guys have someone that does them, but I have heard mixed reviews. Sorry, I can't help with this problem.

Dinosaur parts should be right up your alley:D I know 49 was the last year for them on a Caddy. I have thought of taking out the valves so they are totally free (no compress or rebound) and (sorry here goes) modifying the car to accept modern shocks.
The only two places I have found these is Kanter, and USA Parts supply. USA Parts supply is the only one that you can pay the core price and return them later. Kanter is exchange only. I dont want to take the old ones off until I get the new ones so I can still enjoy the car.
After speaking to a few of the "old timers" that own cars with knee action shocks, they told me that Apple Hydraulics has done well by them. They did say that they are not cheap, but quality work comes at a price. Invest a dime and give them a call. They just might have what you are looking for...
Those of us in the outside world stopped using pay phones about 10 years ago, and when we did they cost at least a quarter...

There's this new technology called "cellular phones" out there. Fantastic stuff, really. You should check into it. :D

Don't know much about those new fangled inventions that you mention, except that I have heard that they cost many hundreds of dollars, if not thousands to own one for the contract time period which can run for years. Being unemployed, I can't afford to waste money like that, so I still use the old fashioned telephone that has a cord connecting it to the wall. From there, it connects to all cities and states every inexpensively. Everything that is new isn't necessarily better, and many times it is very expensive to keep up with the Joneses". I prefer to spend my money on things that provide me with enjoyment more than convenience. :D
I still use the old fashioned telephone that has a cord connecting it to the wall

A cord connected to a phone, what is that? Honestly Paul, I wouldn't even have a cell phone except my company pays for it and they make me use it. I use two rotary dial phones in my home and they work even with no power.:D
Richard....... you really are living in the dark ages. I had a pushbutton phone back in 1967 when I lived in New Jersey. Even the light switches in the house were push button. That pushbutton Trimline phone was the first of its type, and back then, they didn't have the star or the number symbol keys...
Richard....... you really are living in the dark ages. I had a pushbutton phone back in 1967 when I lived in New Jersey. Even the light switches in the house were push button. That pushbutton Trimline phone was the first of its type, and back then, they didn't have the star or the number symbol keys...

We still have some push button switches at the funeral home. Terri got me a perculator coffee pot last month for I love the old style appliances.
they are starting to prove that cell phones causes brain rot. you can tell by the number of people you know that have on in there ear all the time. every time you talk to them they get nutter then the last. I still marvel at the poor homeless street people that still have and use one. talk about shocking.
but most of the time if you go the the parts book and can't find CC then ask for limo. the only difference is that the heavy duty becomes standard.