A night out

Brendan Martin

PCS Member
Last night Jen and I met Paul and Sandy for dinner. We had a blast, good food, great friends and plenty of pro-car talk. There was even talk about recipe swaps between Jen and Sandy. Thanks Paul and Sandy, we can't wait to see you guys again.:)
Technically speaking, this was a meeting of the New England PCS Chapter........ :D It was fun, and even though many people think that New England is a small place, from where Brendan and Jenn live and where and where we live is about 2 hours apart. We split the difference and met in the middle. You might say that it was a meeting of like minds.... Brenden and I talk cars, and Sandy and Jenn talk recipes... :eek:
Art and I could start the north west plains states chapter and we could meet half way in Ten Sleeps Wy. the town was called ten sleeps because it took you that long to get to it. with out this web site guys like us would be still doing the mountain man thing and gathering once a year to swap bumpers and lights, sitting around in parking lots smoking and drinking telling lies. that kind of stuff. but then come to think of it thats what we do. some things never change. :thumbsup:;)