a difficult decision.....

Dana Bennett

PCS Life Member
Hi all,

ok, now some of you may think I'm just making this up and others may think I'm just making a big deal out of nothing, but seriously, to ME this is frustrating!

Several people here know of my white 1976 Superior Cadillac Sovereign Regal hearse, I think it is a pretty nice coach, although definitely not perfect, a driver to enjoy!! I have had it for many years, it is a straight solid coach from Alabama and is basically rust free.

ok, so whats the big deal?? Well, last week a fellow PCS member from Canada who I do not know (and who is not on the internet) called me interested in buying my coach. He had seen it in person at the Kingston PCS meet in 2000. Seems to be a nce guy, was certainly enthusiastically interested in MY coach, so much so that he made a very nice offer!! More than I would figure I could sell it for if I were trying! but something for me to think about. Since he hasn't seen the car in person in at least 12 years I told about some of the flaws, he lowered his offer only slightly but was still very interested because he knew the body is straight and solid. Says that he is a mechanic by trade and isn't worried about any mechanical issues as he can repair them. he has never owned a pro-car yet. I told him several times that I really hadn't thought about selling.

Now just the other day he called again, talked to my brother because I was at work, upped his offer. A few hours later just after I got home from work he called again, and right off the bat he upped his offer one more time, although stating that this was his "final" offer! I'll be honest, it was a LOT more than what current market value would be, and he did state that he knew "book" value was about $3,500.

I'm not going to lie, while I really don't "want" to sell my coach because I do really like it and am finally getting to enjoy it more!! but as is with most people, the money would REALLY be helpful right now!!

So here is my question....
has anyone else had something similar happen?? has someone ever sold a car they really didn't want to part with but just couldn't turn down the generous offer?? what was the end outcome, did you end up regretting it or were you thankful??

also, if anyone has experience with selling a vehicle to someone in canada please let me know what needs to be done/how it's done. This person says all I need to do is drive it to the border and sign some export papers??

anyways, I thought this might be something to discuss with friends here as most my other friends think I'm nuts if i don't sell ASAP!!

Dana Bennett
Forestville, NY
The old adage is to sell when you have a buyer.

Physically write out PROS/CONS lists and fill in every detail in each column that comes to mind over a couple day period. (Doing a hard copy of this exercise in black and white helps most people.) Match them up. See how they compare. Consider which vehicle in collection is 'low man on totem pole' (ie: easiest/cheapest to replace in future if necessary and money is needed now). Make the best decision possible based on all the information currently on hand.

If you're an indecisive-type person, don't sell. If you're the type to look backwards and not forward, don't sell. If you're the sort that would sign a prenup, don't sell. Remaining analytical and not emotional will assist the process. Asking others to relay similar situations compares apples to oranges. No two are alike; doesn't factor personalities in. You know yourself better than anyone.

I would be on the alert for a scam taking place.

Without seeing the car in so many years, it sounds fishy to me.

Have him come to a location (not your house) that is agreeable to view the car.

I guess I am overly suspicious, but if it sounds too good....you know the rest..

just my .02 worth.
having no pro-car yet, I start by saying I am not the best to advise you,however my two cents are,it has taken him 12 years to decide he wants it,could be legitimate,but be careful and wait till members who have done USA to Canada deals weigh in,DO not rush,would hate to see a member burnt,and would hate even worse to have it done by a fellow canadian,:myopinion:
Dana-I have imported several cars from the States to Canada. I can fill you in on the phone-if you wis to learn more. It's no big deal-the burden is on the buyer not seller and is very easy process.:myopinion:
As with anything, get the money first since it is out of the states. Regrets for selling a car? You bet ya! Sold my 74 Criterion and at a fair price but wish I kept it but knowing where it went and the well deserved restoration it will be getting certainly makes its easier. It is always tough to let them go but exciting seeking out another one.


i, like you, was not looking to sell. fate stepped in and now im like a kid in a candy store trying to decide whats next. im having a great time looking for what i really want for my next car. i have been looking hard and i have realized that i want everything and im having a hard time trying to figure out what i really want to buy as i will probaly have it for many years. its fun! instead of having a car that had so low mileage [6500] that i didnt want to drive it, im gonna buy something i can drive everywhere and not worry about it. sometimes we think that if its to good to be true its just that but sometimes its just a good deal. ive been selling cars for 40 years and found one true adage, theres a but for every seat and a seat for every but. sell it and buy ya something else! im enjoying it plus im learning a lot from other members that has made me a more astute buyer. i might want it, but to much is to much. well se. good luck! my 2 cents
Yes, I had a very nice '65 M&M combination that I had a mental price that I thought would keep it in my possession. Wrong. A man came to see it and plunked down my asking price in green cash. My hands were tied, I had to sell. But..... there are always other cars out there to buy.

All good points here, Dana. The method Atilla gave regarding drawing a line down the middle of a piece of paper and writing down pros and cons is a method I've used for years comparing possible job switches. It does help you think more logically and perhaps less emotionally.

I don't know if you expressed a willingness to sell to this person or not. To me, what's fishy is the repeated upping of offers without him coming to you and seeing the car again. Kingston was a long time ago, and we all know that cars rarely get better with age.

You are in the driver's seat with this deal. If he wants it badly enough he will come to YOU, with the equivalent of cash in hand, and then you know you have a valid transaction. If he wants you to drive it to Canada FIRST, so he can see it and then MAYBE pay you, I'd say no. YOU come here! If you close the deal and want to be a nice guy and drive it over the border, then fine.

I suppose my last thought pertains to what you might buy next. If your '76 Superior is your dream hearse, then keep it and continue fixing it up. If you have another car in mind, then here is an opportunity to have some operating capital to chase another one. And they're out there. You just have to find them, or wave enough cash. Great seeing you in Hudson, by the way!
The fact that the buyer is a PCS member is some help. If you are concerned about the reputation of the buyer, maybe find another PCS member nearby the seller to see what their knowledge of the buyer is.

As for getting the vehicle into Canada, like Joe said, the onus is on the buyer. So long as there is a title/registration and some form of a bill of sale (may be part of the title depending on the state issuing the titlre)) it's an easy transacttion. Buyer needs to provide the documentation to the US Border office that deals with vehicle movements. This has to be done at least 3 business days before the vehicle arrives at the border or else it will be delayed.

After the paperwork is submitted, the buyer can contact the US border to ensure that the paperwork is in order. Once the vehicle arrives at the border during the proper business hours of the import location, the vehicle is checked over to match the VINs and the vehicle is cleared to go through.

Once on the Canada side the buyer then takes all of the paperwork to the Canada Customs, files the paperwork, pays the needed taxes/duties and off you go. Took me less than an hour to do both when I brought my Lifeliner across.

As for seller-regret...no way to gauge that until after you've sold, but if you need the $ or are considering another vehicle then sell when you have an interested buyer willing to give you a price you are happy with.
go with Attila's advice you know. money in hand tossed away verse a car you having difficulty maintaining only you know what is best.

You have nothing to worry about.

The guy who wants to buy your car is the guy who had the freak accident in Toronto where the lady drove into his car moving a 6000 lb car 13 feet sideways pinning him under it breaking his ribs among other things.

He needs to fax the title to US Customs 72 hours before bringing it across the boarder. Super easy to do. I know, I have done it many times.

As long as he transfers the money to you from his bank to yours before you fax him the title filled out in his name, it is a super easy situation.

He wants a nice car to restore his car. Simple as that.

I would send him detailed photos asap or have him come look at the car for himself.

Read the thread recently posted and then decide.

He needs a car and is willing to pay by the sounds of it.

You just need to know if it is time to let it go and collect the cash or hold onto it.

Not everyone is out to scam others.

If my reply came across as too strong about being burnt especially by a PCS member,,I apologize,the post was made late at night and I replied to hold on, tll others as yourself have weighed in,the reason for my concern is best explained the next time we meet,as it is personal,and hopefully you will see from wherst I come,
OMG!!! ok, thats just ME not putting two and two together!! I had read part of the accident post when it was first put up but rarely get a chance to visit this site unless I'm at Jills house typically on the weekends because she has internet that actually works nicely and I have "dial-up"!!!

This IS the same person who is interested in buying my coach, I'm very glad that he is ok, however he never mentioned ANYTHING about the accident nor already owning a 1976 Superior. I could never believe he would pay that much only to use my car as parts as it would cost WAY less to repair the damage I see in the photo's. I did inquire what he would do with the car/why he wanted it and I got the impression he wanted it to restore and said he didn't really care about mechanical issues if it had any as he was as he was a mechanic, trust me, I don't care the price, my car will NEVER be sold to become a parts car!! I'll just keep her and fix her up myself a little at a time.

well, he called me again today, this time I asked about the ambulance and he has told me it is gone! He said the damage was more than what it was worth to fix as it bent the frame at least 5". he has told me the insurance company has paid him what he paid for it and thats why he has the money to buy mine and since he has been interested in mine for so many years and knows that it IS indeed a straight solid clean coach so that is why he is offering so much. He has sworn to me that he would never pay that much for a car just to cut it up and does realize he could get a parts car or the parts themselves for much less. He does make it sound like it would be going to a good home if I did decide to sell. so all that is left is to decide for myself what "I" want. Thankyou very much to you, my friends who have both replied here and contacted me by PM, I really do appreciate it!!

Depending on who the insurance company is it may be for sale as salvage or sometimes the client can it back at salvage prices.
some one close need to contact them. most of the time they are sold to a yard they have a contract with. the yard pays them XXX for every car. now the man cold buy it back for the company he would have first dibs on the salvage. but if your talking about the persons that ran into him down here that is a liability and they don't own your car. you get paid for the damages and the car is yours.