2011 International Meet attendee poll / question

1. Important thing: I CAME! :festive:
2. To make up for it I am bringing 5 to this one! :071:

That's like adding insult to injury!:yankchain::yankchain:

So should I bring my "flower car, original style" i.e. convertible, to the meet.
No, I am plaining on bringing a real professional car and by the way Ron the cost of gas for this summer looks like it might even be higher that last summer and it takes the same amount of gas to drive from here to there as it does to go the other way.:drive2:

At least Carol and I will probably attend.
What car I bring to the Drive-in will depend on which vehicles I bring.
"Get Low" at the Drive-In would be good.....

Mike, that might be part of what I'm trying to work on. ;) Will you be there? Fill out the poll and let me know. If we are expecting a big crowd, I'll have a better chance at convincing the theater manager that this is a good idea.
I'm not able to come to this PCS National Meet. I have a bunch of other committments this summer, some car things and some non-car things. I had my 41' Packard- Henney at the Nat. meet in Lebanon, MO years ago, and had a great time

I had owned a movie theater for 26 years, and just sold it in July. I did all the bookings myself. The movie "Get Low" in my opinion would be a great draw for your Drive-In anytime and for the Nat. meet would be an especially nice treat for PCS and the other folks who want to come.

I'll catch a Nat. Meet sometime in the future when it's a little closer or I can make time.

I talked to Bill Peoples. He likes the idea of having Miss Henney, his 1927 Henney combo that stars in the movie, displayed at the drive in. Interested in seeing this happen too? Let me know if you're coming to the drive in. If we have enough people and cars attending, I might be able to convince the theater that this is an awesome idea.
Yes, I plan on the movie, in my pro car, with 2-3 people as now.

Still waiting for my vacation to be approved, hope all turns out well.

An addition to my post. I would love to see Get Low, I saw it in the theater when it came out. That would be great with Miss Henney there!!
I would also vote to see Grand Theft Parsons.
I am planning on going, the boys will probably be with me, Jen will probably stay at the hotel with the baby. Not sure about the mode of transport yet.
I had not planned on it, but all this talk is making me want to go to the movie(s). So I may go but will probably not take a pro-car unless I end up taking both cars to Hudson.
Drive in

I plan on going as long as the movies are worth seeing. Can take passengers, but have none other then Cadaver. Will take the 69.
I am planning on going, the boys will probably be with me, Jen will probably stay at the hotel with the baby. Not sure about the mode of transport yet.

Brendan will be sure to get there either in or driving one of mine for sure and the boys of course. Jen and the baby too if she wants.:wowguy: