Kurt Arends
PCS Elected Director 2021-2024
That was a situation where 2 fools met! The prospective buyer for offering it, and the owner of the coach for not having accepted his offer!
I am not sure if it was an actual offer or a sales tactic. I find it difficult to believe that anyone would make or balk at an offer of 18K on this vehicle.
Thinking...... clearly a 'sales tactic'. As stated, he contacted me and said, "he was motivated as he had bought another car". I also stated the interior was a Blue , a mis-match which means~ even more money to rectify the current state. Were it me, and I was interested, I def. would go in LOWER then 18. I agree with your choice '65-'67, beautiful coaches. If you decide you want it, I would be happy to 'work' on him for you (just ask THAT you were serious about buying). I also have 2 family members in law enforcement in the area who could look at the car and cast a discerning eye, It's 2.5 hours South of me.