1964 Cadillace Superior (Ecto) for (NO LONGER FOR) sale

1964 Cadillac Superior for sale - Located near Rockford Illinois.

I haven't had this car too long , maybe a year now. I have done a lot of work to it in one year ! My plan , which I know most of you will dislike was to make it an Ecto-1 . Recently another amazing car has gone up for sale that I have my eye on. So I have decided to sell the 64 Cadillac Superior.

I am honestly not sure what I should be asking for it. I know what I paid, and what I have into it, So I know I need to get that. Maybe some of you could help me figure out what its work, and please feel free to make an offer.

So it runs very well. drives, stops, rides nice. the motor was rebuilt by the previous owner, its actually a motor out of a 65 ( one year newer) Piston rings, seals, gaskets, water pump, hoses, were all replaced. it has a new performance aluminum radiator. It has new brakes front to back, new brake booster. new tires. fuel tank was dropped and cleaned. new fuel filler neck hose, fuel hoses were replaced. new fuel filter. new battery and cables. New exhaust is also installed on the car. New windshield from O.P.G.I. new oil , temp, volts gages installed.

most of the body work is finished. very minimal rust , very straight panels, doors all open nice, windows all roll down nice . the front doors have plexi glass instead of real glass. Most of the car is sprayed with fresh primer, ready for prepping and paint. Lights all work including the roof lights which are wired into the dash toggle switches.

I had started on the interior, the dash pad has one crack in it, but overall in decent shape. Just recovered the bench seat. New upholstery on the front and rear door panels, new carpet. I havent started on the rear jump seats or the rear interior. Also the headliner is currently out of the car, but I have the original that could be uses as a pattern.

Let me know what you think.

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To start with, remove all that junk that you have added to try to make an "ecto" if you are serious about selling it. If you are bound and determined to own an Ecto, then buy one from someone else who has attempted to convert a hearse or ambulance into one and has failed. Why ruin another piece of Professional Car history? Using your own words, the car has some rust in it, and rust is very expensive to repair. If you can get half of what you have invested you will be lucky. Installing plexiglass as a replacement for safety glass is foolish since it isn't a safe replacement. The door glass is flat laminated glass and any glass shop could have cut a replacement piece with very little effort. A serious restorer will look at what you have done to the car, and question the quality of the work since it isn't finished. If you want to get your investment back, then finish the restoration of the car and bring it back to its original glory.
Every "ecto" mod can be easily undone. I feel some of you guys freak out too much on stuff like that. its not ruining the car. the rust is very mininal , like pin holes aboove the driverside rear wheel lip. I plan on fixing my self. they just appeared over the winter. all the other rust issues have been fixed. I used to do body repair for a living. Now I am an engineer. So I have the experience and knowledge of how to properly do body work. The door plexi glass is just a temporary fix. I had the original class that could be sent to a shop to get new ones cut.
Every "ecto" mod can be easily undone. I feel some of you guys freak out too much on stuff like that. its not ruining the car. the rust is very mininal , like pin holes aboove the driverside rear wheel lip. I plan on fixing my self. they just appeared over the winter. all the other rust issues have been fixed. I used to do body repair for a living. Now I am an engineer. So I have the experience and knowledge of how to properly do body work. The door plexi glass is just a temporary fix. I had the original class that could be sent to a shop to get new ones cut.
We dont "freek out". If you know ANYTHING about the PCS, it is that we strive for the restoration and preservation of these cars as they were built originally.
The inherited bad thing on the superiors in 63-64 was they stuffed mattress padding between the wheel well and the skin to fill a void. so with out redoing that the quick fixes are domed to fail. But they are a sought after car sharp when finished. was it a combined car or straight ambulance? The GB cars are a big hit at kids event's but the truth is it will appeal to a much larger buying market with the half done addons removed and holes filled back in. But you have a good running car here with i'm guessing still has a complete interior. Those are all pluses. Most of the body work has been completed. If you want the big bucks back, take the GB stuff off finish the body paint the car red and white. Then advertise it for around 10 to 15. As it sits right now you might get lucky to get 5 out of it. The incorrect engine will hold some people back but not a lot. most will want a stock car that looks good. Rather then the all most there incorrecto. Finding someone that will pay high dollars for the unfinished, either way Stock or GB is a hard sell.
I posted 18,000 on a group on facebook and I was getting a lot of messages. However, the more I was thinking about it today, I think I am going to hold on to it and keep working on it and enjoy it some more.
I think these cars are worth more than you think . I think I actually should have posted it for more …… however , call me a fool … I decided I am going to keep it . I will continue to fix it up and enjoy it .
Lots of people like to throw #s, out there only matters if they show up with the cash. What's valuable to one person is worthless to the next.
Well, we DO like'em stock, but since most people never get close to a coach except at a funeral, when they're in no mood for anything automotive, you gotta expect that the whole "Ghostbusters" thing will be slightly more (perhaps much more!) palatable to the general public than to we PCS'ers. Kudos to Trevor for all the work he did, and for keeping his car. The cartoon stuff will come off easily, leaving a super-attractive car ready to take all the way back to as-built. :071: