Danny Ryder - Deceased - 1962 - 2021
PCS Life Member
just wanted to let you guys know, my 56 now has a new home. This weekend on saturday was a big traditional rod and custom car show in milwaukee also. i went to it after work on saturday, i will post some pics later.
But one of my friends belong to another car club and they were have a reunion get together for his members from around the country. Well one of his guys that i met a couple of years ago started to drive up to milwaukee from cumming georgia and got a flat tire in his 30 ford. Well he decide to take it back home since it was only less then a hour from his house and ride up with one of the other guys. He joked around and said maybe he would just buy a car and drive it home.
Well he bought my olds and hopped into it sunday morning and drove it home to cummings georgia at 85 miles a hour for a major part of the trip he said. He said it ran great but he blew a tire out in Ky and had another one put on at a walmart i guess about nine miles away and was back on the road. So maybe some of you guys in that area may see a flamed 56 olds ripping up the streets in that neck of the woods.
Maybe I will see it Rocky, cumming Ga is only 30 minutes from me and I go through there pretty regular. Small world