Body/motor parts question...

I understand that the Criterion is made on a special commercial chassis, but I am assuming that many of the parts e.g. grille, headlight bezels, hubcaps, etc. are from one of the passenger Cadillacs.

If I want parts like this, should I be looking for Fleetwood, DeVille, Eldorado....or?

Commercial chassis body parts are the same for the most part as the same year production car from the dashboard forward. The commercial chassis used larger brakes, different tire rims, differential, etc. Some of the engine components such as brackets and emissions are different as well. It is difficult to know exactly what is different unless you have a factory parts book to look up the part. Don't trust the auto parts store to have the correct part, just because they say that it is the same. I recently learned that the upper control arm bushings and shaft are different that the one used on the standard production car. When it doubt, ask on these forums, and someone with experience or the parts book will let you know. Assume nothing, and you will not go wrong. Also, keep all the replaced parts for future reference if the replacement doesn't work as originally planned.
Sorry, Paul...I'm normally pretty on-the-ball with stuff but, for some reason, I'm having a problem with grasping this one.

Is the commercial chassis from the dash forward based on just one style of Cadillac, e.g. the Fleetwood, or was there a Deville commercial chassis and a Fleetwood commercial chassis, etc.?

Thanks. Wish I knew more about Cadillacs.
commercial chassis

I can only speak of the one I know about. My coach is on a 1961 commercial chassis. This is the same for the most part as the series 75 factory limo. While engine and trans parts are the same for standard and cc I always ask for cc parts when ordering from an auto parts store. Most do not even have a listing for 61 anymore. So they have to be willing to go the extra distance. My local parts store guys just ask, "what book do we need today" when I go in. The local Cadillac dealer told me several years ago to ask for cc (commercial chassis) parts when ordering parts or looking for them. The good thing here is Cadillac did not make yearly changes to the commercial chassis. They used the same parts for several years just hanging different sheet metal on them.
If your coach is new enough to have had more than one GM engine availible you should make sure to get all the info in hand when looking for parts. Like Paul says, never throw away the old parts. You will then have something to compare the new parts to. You may also have to have the old ones rebuilt as no new replacements are out there.
It is an 'old wives tale' that the manufacturers had to make parts for 10 years for replacements for cars. They only make the replacement parts as long as there is a profit in them.
Ask lots of questions and tell us here what you are looking for. The more eyes looking the more chance of finding what you need.
Also check with your local dealer. If he/she has been in business for many years they may have some old sales people that can steer you in the right direction as to what series car you should look for to fill your replacement needs.
There is no Fleetwood or DeVille commercial chassis per say. Although they are the Fleetwood/DeVille styling. So most anything trim wise dash, headlight bezels etc will interchange with a Cadillac Commercial Chassis.
I guess I should just get really specific about my question here, because I think I've got my "Stupid Switch" on "Full" the fact that I have a bad cold and am all doped up on cold medications. Remembering my name is a challenge today. :confused:

I need hubcaps for my '75 Criterion. Ebay is littered with them. They have hubcaps for a '75 Deville, hubcaps for a '75 Fleetwood, hubcaps for a '75 Calais, hubcaps for '75 Eldorado, and a bunch more. Heck, I never knew that so many types of Cadillac hubcaps existed.

Same question applies to the cracked grille that I need to replace.

To keep my vehicle accurate, which ones should I buy?
you want fleetwood parts to help in the" KISS "for you condition. it make no difference if the are sedan Deville or cope Deville I really don't remember if fleetwood and Deville are the same in 75 and I think they are. they used those names for the same car a lot the Eldorado's would be the only different one. the Calais was the cheaper trimmed. but same body in the nose as the fleetwood.
Doug, ya don't have the "stupid switch" on. But Paul is right, it's better to ask a specific question. When you ask, generally, what will interchange, that will only get you a general answer, which is, "some will, some won't." Generally......:rolleyes:

Ok, when you narrow it down to hubcaps, it's easier to explain. The grille will also be the same as a Fleetwood or a DeVille.

But in general, it's best to remember that the commercial chassis was a separate line, though it used a little of this and a little of that and some things specific only to the CC. I doubt that anything from an Eldo would be appropriate. Generally.....:rolleyes:

Next up, anyone for a game of "Where did the taillights come from?"
The parts that I have identified as almost always being different on the commercial chassis vs. standard Cadillac production are brake components, rear axle / differential, suspension parts. Some emission items are the same as those used on the Eldorado's engines. If you purchase the factory shop manual, it will help you to determine what is the same, and what is not. This is because usually if the component is different, so are the repair procedures.
While we are discussing this, the commercial chassis cars always used a riveted brake lining, and they are getting harder to get every year. Same for the brake rotors. They are larger in size than the standard car, hence, the front wheel spindle is also different on many years. Just when you think that you have located that rare and elusive part, you find out that it is not the same as the rest of the Cadillacs of that year. Even the gasoline cap on some year commercial chassis cars is different.
CC Tail Lights

"Next up, anyone for a game of "Where did the taillights come from?"

The tail lights for 74-76 Cadillac commercial chassis are the same as those used on 74-77 Chevrolet Laguna station wagons, they too were bumper mounted although without the bezel used on the commercial bumpers. The bezels are made from pot metal and mounted low enough on the car to be damaged easily.

Robert Shepard
"Next up, anyone for a game of "Where did the taillights come from?"

The tail lights for 74-76 Cadillac commercial chassis are the same as those used on 74-77 Chevrolet Laguna station wagons, they too were bumper mounted although without the bezel used on the commercial bumpers. The bezels are made from pot metal and mounted low enough on the car to be damaged easily.

Robert Shepard

I thought something was up with the tail lights lenses. I searched eBay for 74 tail lights but nothing matched up. Glad to know and could use a couple good one for my Criterion.

TKS Robert :thumbsup:
the side markers that are in the vertical bumper ends are standard caddy trim as are the the ends. how ever the transition piece that goes between them and the center is 4,5,and 6 right or Left only. lose one of then and your in trouble big time. one other note is the rear quarter extensions which are cast out of fiber glass are only used on the Hearse Ambulance combinations. same part on all makes. so one would have to guess they were in that box strapped to the chassis when delivered. most like made by GM as we have discovered the center section of the bumper was. one wonders why Cb and Superior or the others that made one out of a GM car other then the caddy did not use the same bumper. I would guess that standard caddy's were designed so that they could make the commercial cars out of them. they were the only ones that have the 3 peice rear bumber with removable ends keep it till the 77 line where they went to the stright across low bumper.