And My Other Project

Ron Devies

PCS Ohio Chapter President PCS Past Vice President
So now I am getting back to the projects I was working on before the blow out. Today I thought I would snap a picture of the new floor and some of the equipment mounted. The new squad bench and medical cabinet will be going in after the fourth of July.


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getting there one of the bench designs has the O2 tanks there with holes in the end of the bench for them. the tile looks good.

Well a big day tomorrow. The suburban is going for it's bench, cabinet and bulkhead cupboard door. Before it does the insurance adjuster will be here to look at the damages on the 75. Should be an interesting day.
I see you got the orange off the molding in the back, a hint it flats a lot don't lay a piece of cardboard up agents it when you pick up the scuff marks on the sill as it will get the moldings orange. :D
All Systems Go

The insurance guy (State Farm) was very good to me on the 54". Turns out I went to high school with his sister and brother in law. The burb has been delivered and now I have to go formica shopping. Yay! It is all coming together. I just have to meet up with Mr. Street sometime this week. (hint,hint, call me)
The insurance guy (State Farm) was very good to me on the 54". Turns out I went to high school with his sister and brother in law. The burb has been delivered and now I have to go formica shopping. Yay! It is all coming together. I just have to meet up with Mr. Street sometime this week. (hint,hint, call me)

Since we just got off the phone, consider it.........done and done!!!!! See ya in a couple hours!!!
A Busy Time With My Pro Cars

So I met with the body guy about the high top today. We need to find a left rear quarter for a 75 Cadillac Coupe (Attila! Where are you?) Went up to take the cot out of the suburban and peek at the progress. Wow! This guy is great. The bulkhead cabinet door he has routed and stained looks great! In doing so, took the Fat Girl to pick up the cot. She is burning some oil and the fan belt is making a funny sound. I am supposed to take the car for a parade in Castalia next Sunday by request of Mr. Street. Gonna have to get it into the mechanic before that happens PLUS I need to get the light bar off it and take the beacons off. Who has time to go to work? :eek: The only cars not getting worked on right now is the Poncho and the Pinner
one does become the keeper of the cars. you get the back end of the the 70 finished you got a good go to work rig there.

me I went out to get the 86 from the hospital today worked on the 58 got tired of that so we pulled the the starter on the 53. of course the fact that we have the 53 parked were the 86 goes and the starter parts just came in today had nothing to do with my choices.

I went to Joanne Fabrics and bought enough material for the seat cushions on the squad bench. Got it for 40% off so I got extra.
that is the best thing to do. after we had the front seat redone we used the old material off the back to replace as much as we could in there.
that is the best thing to do. after we had the front seat redone we used the old material off the back to replace as much as we could in there.

Yes it was nice to have a swatch of your extra to take along. There were about four or five colors there that were close to some degree. With the swatch we could get as close as we could. Now the formica in the back I did not have but I pretty much nailed that one from memory.
So I met with the body guy about the high top today. We need to find a left rear quarter for a 75 Cadillac Coupe (Attila! Where are you?) Went up to take the cot out of the suburban and peek at the progress. Wow! This guy is great. The bulkhead cabinet door he has routed and stained looks great! In doing so, took the Fat Girl to pick up the cot. She is burning some oil and the fan belt is making a funny sound. I am supposed to take the car for a parade in Castalia next Sunday by request of Mr. Street. Gonna have to get it into the mechanic before that happens PLUS I need to get the light bar off it and take the beacons off. Who has time to go to work? :eek: The only cars not getting worked on right now is the Poncho and the Pinner

How are the tires, or should we call them old racing slicks??? LOL... :D

How are the tires, or should we call them old racing slicks??? LOL... :D

Unfortunately, my appearance in Castalia is uncertain at the moment. The car is in the shop with the belt and smoking cessation matter, I cannot get my electrical guy in to switch over to the light bar until it gets back

I picked up the formica today and dropped it off. The bulkhead cabinet door is installed and looks gorgeous. The squad bench uncovered without the formica looks gorgeous. The next stop after this is the upholstery shop who I talked to today. By the time this thing is done it is going to look like a brand new Stoner suburban ambulance.

Ron sounds like it would bring back memories of a time it was king of the road,all we needed to do an ambulance call ,nothing too fancy just a sincere crew,and a solid ride:applause:

Here are a couple of pics I snapped through the window today.


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Hanging hooks

If you look over the bench on the post you will see I am missing part of my hanging hardware. Does anyone have any for sale? If so, I am interested.
the pictures I sent you of the one that McDonald hase is about the only help I had. they were off set j hooks with the double disk to lock them in. the back side there was a strap were all the holes are in the sill top and bottom. Stoner loved those screws. it had the same the holes and slots for the J hooks as the front

a good man with a strap of steel could bend the removable hooks up. the disks were just bolted to it. the front plate has the size for them and the size of the slot need to lock them in-place. they are like the rear seat belt anchors on the MM products

about the only thing that will work is Stoner stuff. man it would be nice to find a set for 5 bucks.

Well the suburban finally returned today. All that is left to do is to hook up the siren and install the Motorola radio. The cabinet maker did an outstanding job.


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