Wow! Hemmings came today!

Dan Brintlinger

PCS Member
Wow! What a wonderful article about the Albany Meet in the new Hemmings Motor News! I don't know for sure, but isn't this the FIRST TIME PCS has been written up in Hemmings? And, 4 pages of FULL COLOR, no less! Everyone should pick up a copy, (if you don't already subscribe)!
Thanks for the note !

Yes, month (likey November 2010) would be great so we get the right issue.

Looking forward to seeing it now,
Wow, great press for the PCS! The Publix in my neighborhood used to carry Hemmings, now I'm gonna have to go on a search......
As HEMMINGS' base in Bennington, Vermont is just 40 miles from where the 2010 PCS International was held in Albany, I made sure Editor-in-Chief Richard Lentinello knew about the event with plenty of lead time and we should all be grateful to the pledge he e-mailed me way back in January to dispatch a correspondent.

Owing to my ongoing voice troubles, I was not able to investigate if anyone from HEMMINGS was actually on the field come show day, though article author Mike McNessor certainly got good quotes from PCS President Rick Duffy, co-founder George Hamlin & meet chair Dan Herrick, among others. All in all, everyone interviewed did a great job explaining what makes the PCS unique.

For reference's sake this story appears on pages 66-69 of the November, 2010 issue, and might appear on the website after the paid subscribers get first crack. To answer a question in the thread, this is the first feature-length story the PCS has received in HEMMINGS MOTOR NEWS, though the club news section of HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR has given our meets an eighth to a quarter page of mention at least once in years past. This time round, four pages and 26 (!) photos - as well as prominent mention in the left center of the contents page - is a real coup for us!
Greg, if I did one thing correct as "meet head" it was making you publicity chair. Thank you for a great job done. :thankyou2:
I would like to let everyone know that I also just got a copy of the Cadillac/LaSalle Club's Potomac Region's news letter with an excellent article on the meet as well. :thumb:
My copy finally arrived this afternoon. What a great article and of course some very nice exposure for the PCS! Thanks again to all who made the meet a success.
I was working on the entertainment for Friday nights social event at the hotel for our Fall PCS Trillium Chapter event 10 days from now and decided to take a break.

It was pouring rain all day here in Toronto but I thought I should go out in the rain to go get a copy of the latest Hemmings magazine.

I drove over to Yorkdale Mall and went into the Indigo book store and headed to the magazine section. They had 2 copies of Hemmings BUT it was the October issue ! :(

It says on the cover "display until Oct 11th" !

I walked around the mall to see if I could find another store that may have had it but no luck.

I checked a local Italian bakery that use to sell it but no luck. They don't even sell it anymore.

Oh well, I guess I will have to wait a little longer.

I read the article at a local book store and its a must see, certain member's car's are in alot of the pic's .

Paul's Pinner received the lion's share of the photos on the first of the four pages, followed by his 62 C/B on another page. Both are very rare professional cars, and must have caught the interest of the reporter/writer/photographer. The national exposure we received from the article is priceless, as it brings us into the main stream of the collector car hobby in one of the most widely read and respected magazines in the automotive world.
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