White wall tires

Has anybody been having problems finding white wall tires? Since dropping ambulance service in the mid-70's we have always used white wall tires on our coaches. Went to the local tire store to purchase new tires for our 1999 eagle and was told that they only have black wall in stock and they would have to special order white wall tires. two years ago I walked in and had new tires installed on our back up coach while I waited and they had white walls in stock. The quoted price for white walls were extremely higher. The only coach we have with black walls is the one that was at our third location before it was merged with competitor. We have black walls on it because it is only used a a back up 1st call vehicle.

There are all kinds of white wall tires, PCS toured Zurcher Tire, in Monroe In.
when we had the PCS show in Ft. Wayne in 1995. He is a good life long friend, and is the largest tire dealer in the United States, he owns over like 950 stores, and from a town of maybe 1500, Monroe is like 25 miles south of Ft. Wayne Ind. there number is 260-692-6171 ask for Paul he is the owner, just tell him Greg Yoder sent you . I use Master Craft made by Cooper they have a higher load rating, than most. Good Luck
White walls are still avalible for anything. Most shops just do not stock them anymore but can get them. There are several threads here about this subject, use the search icon at the top to find the threads.
Just bought some whitewall Cooper's for the '97 S & S... 3 years ago I was sold some blackwalls (that I never liked with the '97...) because the tire dealer said he couldn't get any whitewalls to fit the hearse. I just replaced those blackwalls with 2400 miles on them because I couldnt stand to look at them anymore.
A month after I got them, I was at someone else's service and a funeral home had about a 2005 Superior hearse in silver - now it looked good with the blackwalls - but my 97 S & S in charcoal gray looked too dark with blackwalls.
Thanks for the leads I have also located some others. The cars we have with white whalls are both white. Black walls look bad on the white car The 94 is dark blue and looks ok with black walls.

We use vogue tires (white wall with gold stripe) on our 1999 Eagle Cadillac Coupe De Fleur- it is a black car with a gold vinyl top.