thing one does for a friend

John ED Renstrom

PCS Member
Super Site Supporter
ran the 69 down so they could work on the inside while I was gone. when I got there the man asked me if they let me drive that around that way. I told him no. [ame][/ame]
Thats how we drive our Pro-Cars around in the summer time down here in the south when its 100 degrees and 100% humidity.

The only issue I saw was the lack of drivers side rear view mirror....

The license plate is still sitting on the dash just where it was when I sent it out... not to mention that the registration is sitting on my desk here in CT. :burp:
I just realized that there is no seat in the car... I am wondering if Ed was sitting on a milk crate?? :myopinion:
Ed; Thanks for the memories.

Back in my mid '70's Body Shop days the Chev garage I worked for had no frame machine. All Frame work that was needed was shipped out to a Louisville Ky frame specialist across the river from us. Vehicles were towed over and then when possible they'd drive 'em back to us with radiators bungee tightened and everything else just hanging. When I asked I was told they found frame would be tweaked when hanging on the end of a Tow truck.
Took the Superior out the other day while it was missing one of the wheel covers.......felt pretty bad about I'm ok......"thanks"