With all that technology, you would figure they could have at least put some clothes on the dead guy.
I sure am glad I won't be around that long to see this or something like it in the future. Although I would like to live a lot longer.
Maybe this guy and Cadillac should get together and at least come up with something usable for 2016. Since Cadillac has screwed up the past and this dude is so far into the future, maybe they could revive the past and slow down the future a little.
They need to rethink the wind tunnel effects on hearses and put some style back into Cadillacs for funeral service. They are not race track vehicles so no need to be aerodynamic. We just want a decent looking hearse !
I for one, hope the PCS sees these are not passenger based vehicles and does not include them as time goes on. Hey, no driver or wheels for that matter.
Oh ya, and drop the neon lighting under it, that was so 90's.
I admire anyone with the ability to see that far into the future and to be able to design things with technology that really doesn't exist yet, but I hope he sticks with things he knows like snowmobiles, trains, street cars, etc and leaves the funeral industry alone.
I hope for the reincarnation of the designers of the 50s and 60s to come back and do a little with the cars of the 2020s and beyond.
This all may be as far fetched as the futuristic hearse in question... but at least it would be a fantastic looking hearse if it would happen.