Take Lots of Pictures in Daytona Beach Florida

Mark Goodwin - Deceased 1950 - 2016

November 29, 1950 - January 16, 2016
Take lots of pictures in Daytona Beach, Florida
Dear Friend and Photographer,

In a little over a week (June 18 - June 22) that PCS will be holding its International Meet in the Daytona Beach, Florida. Unfortunately, again this year I am unable to attend the meeting due to poor health, however, I am hoping that again this year you take lots of pictures and share them with all of us on the PCS Discussion Board. Last year you did an excellent job, especially capturing the people as well as the cars. Please take pictures from the time you leave your home until you arrive home again. We would like to see all your pictures and all your adventures along the way, as well as pictures of the cars. There is nothing like being there yourself, however I have found your pictures to be the next best thing.

I realize that this posting may appear to be a little early, however, many people will be leaving early to attend the International Meet.

In the meantime, I will be living vicariously through your photographs until I can again attended the International Meeting in person, and all the related events involved.


To Everyone Taking Pictures at the Daytona Beach, Florida International Meet


Thank you very much for responding with pictures On the Professional Car Board, regarding posting your pictures of the International Meet in Daytona Beach Florida. We would like to ask your permission to use any all your pictures in the making of our DVD about the International Meet. We will happily wait for your pictures to be posted after you arrive home, because they are definitely worth it! One of the biggest mistakes, we made last year was starting to complete the program before we received your pictures. We were so impressed with your photography, we reworked the program after it was done, just to include them. Unless you send us a special e-mail requesting that we NOT use your pictures, we will assume we have your permission.

Hope you are having a great time At the International Meet and we will be looking forward to seeing your beautiful photos after you get back.

Your fellow professional car enthusiast,

Mark and Tom Goodwin
Mark, with all of the sharing capabilities on Facebook and other websites, you may need to find a way to ensure that the pics that you are borrowing for the DVD were really taken by the person that sent them to you. I asked for my pics not to be used in the last DVD because I wanted the Ohio Chapter newsletter to get pics that weren't seen anywhere else. I was then surprised to see my photos of the wedding used in the DVD and to make it worse, that I was uncredited for them. I felt bad for the couple because people then had pics of the wedding before they even had their final CD of their edited wedding pics.

I'm not sure how this all happened. My only guess is that someone downloaded the preview pics that were on Facebook after the wedding and then sent you those pics along with their own. I can assure you that any meet wedding pic was taken by me though. It was a private wedding that I completely organized with 17 hours notice and the only people present were Tony, Nina, my friend that was the officiant and myself as the photographer.

If you're doing a meet DVD again, you may want to find a way to make sure that people are only sending in photos that they took.
Plus, take lot's of pictures while on the road and "TAKE PICS WITH PEOPLE" in them. Car sare one thing but we want to see people too!!!

Kind of scared to death hosting this thing but Bill says, "WHATEVER" it will be fine. Be afraid be very afraid for you never know what Richard is up to!

Thank you very much for responding with pictures On the Professional Car Board, regarding posting your pictures of the International Meet in Daytona Beach Florida. We would like to ask your permission to use any all your pictures in the making of our DVD about the International Meet. We will happily wait for your pictures to be posted after you arrive home, because they are definitely worth it! One of the biggest mistakes, we made last year was starting to complete the program before we received your pictures. We were so impressed with your photography, we reworked the program after it was done, just to include them. Unless you send us a special e-mail requesting that we NOT use your pictures, we will assume we have your permission.

Hope you are having a great time At the International Meet and we will be looking forward to seeing your beautiful photos after you get back.

Your fellow professional car enthusiast,

Mark and Tom Goodwin

I would like to point out that the copyright of the pictures that are posted on this website belong to the people that took the pictures. It isn't reasonable to believe that if you haven't been told to the contrary that you have blanket permission to use the pictures. I suggest that if you want to collect pictures, that you set up a gmail or hotmail account, and have people send their pictures directly to you at those accounts. This will assure that the pictures that you use are with the copyright owners permission. All too often people believe that just because a picture is posted on the Internet, that it is fair game to take the picture for your own use. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

We would prefer not to install a right click picture restriction on the website. Please respect the copyright ownership of the pictures..


Paul Steinberg

PCS Forums Senior Website Administrator
this is why I have stated before and do so again if I post a pictures on this web site anyone here can have a copy of it to use as they see fit. I'm under the impression that once out of the bag a cat is never successfully put back in. I know there are a few people that make a living with pictures. some I have been given copies of I have been requested not to share. I have always honored there request. I have also been asked to take down pictures that were shared with me buy other people that originated somewhere else. that has been done also all though no proof of there origin was offered. mark has been putting together and offering these videos not as a fund raiser but as a way to sharing with us the meet that he can't attend. I'm hoping to be able to catch up with him after the meet and share my pictures with him in person this time.
to me it's like finding a picture of your car for sale on someone else's web site. it kind of sets you back a bit. but I Think it's important to remember once posted on any site you have lost all control of it. you can ask but not everyone out there has your sense of ethics. someone from anywhere in the world can and has that image. so think before you post and yes the polite thing to do is to ask before you use someones else's image. that is what mark has done before every meet. ask in a blanket manor for images. like him I would have thought after he asked, that one posted here was for sharing. I'm sure that if one did not want it included a mention would have made sure it was not. so maybe a good thing this came up gets everyone think about things again in a friendly manner. when is asking not and when is sharing not
An open e-mail, posting,

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your e-mail voicing your concerns about photos in our DVD. I also read your posting On the Professional Car Society Message Board. All I can say is that you hit the nail on the head regarding Social Media. It is just like trying to keep a secret, the only way it works is if only you know it or have it. Once you post, share, or disseminate a visual or auditory record of an event, it can (and will) end up anywhere and everywhere in the world. Just ask certain celebrities, who were caught without their underwear by the paparazzi. Private parts should stay private, however, most likely they will go public. Even the courts have refused to take up this matter of privacy, however, most media producers and companies, now accept the fact that they're no longer is a thing called, exclusive proprietary rights. If you make it, most likely it's going viral. The most we've ever made is 35 copies of our DVD for a year. Yet, close to 200 people claim to have a personal copy. Usually it is the people with the "EXTRA" copies, who have the most criticism. One person says this section is too long and another person says that same section is way too short. As I assume you found out as host of the meet, people are much more willing to tell you what you did wrong, rather than what you did right.

As a fellow teacher and guidance counselor you know that the classroom was the private domain of the teacher assigned. No longer, you have the right to remain silent, however anything you say may and will be used against you in a court of law or public opinion that night at home. Most likely some student has posted video from his cell phone even before school is out. A number of students are tech savvy enough to modify the original footage to make it appear someone is saying something that was never said.

Yes, I did receive your request last year about not using any of your pictures. That is why, to the best of my ability I avoided using them. It is also the reason that you did not receive credit for the photography. We received over 1500 pictures of the Hudson meet and used about a third of them. Since everyone with a camera was covering the same event at the same time, often times two to three individuals shot almost identical photos. Without being there personally, it is impossible for us to know what was a private moment in what was an additional item of the official agenda. I was under the understanding, (from reading the board and personal accounts of attendees) that the wedding was an open event. So as far as I know, anybody could have taken the wedding pictures. If I could identify, who sent them to me, I would tell you. With the quick turnaround and large volume of material, we simply dump all pictures into a protection file and get to work. Once we release the DVD, we assume it will be copied and have never taken an action to prevent it. We offer them for our out-of-pocket expense and thus when people make copies for their friends, they just save us the cost of postage, a padded mailer, a DVD, a plastic protective cover for the DVD and the time it takes to assemble them and mail them out. It is simply a service we offer to the Friends of the PCS message board members as a memento of the event for those who attended and a summary of what happened for those who could not attend. Every year we try to break even on cost, however, it always ends up with a net loss of a small amount of money.

Last year, you were the only person who asked us not to use their pictures. So far this year, you are the only person making that request. If you want your pictures to be exclusive to your newsletter, share them only with yourself until publication. You might be surprised that even during publication they will leak. If you have a chance to look at other people's pictures, you will be extremely surprised how closely they resemble yours. Same BAT time, same BAT channel.(Old TV show reference)

As far as the bride and groom not being the first to see their pictures, it happens at every wedding. The reason is with digital photography everybody shows everybody else the pictures they took with their cameras right at the reception.

Finally, I would be interested to know your opinion to our DVD. In your e-mail you said you saw it, but you did not say what you liked or disliked. Inquiring minds want to know.

Your fellow professional car enthusiasts,

Mark and Thomas Goodwin
I for one am very excited to see the "Goodwin Bros." back at it again and ready to create a DVD on a historical PCS event once again. It captures so much of what the PCS is all about and I truely have enjoyed each and every DVD they've created. I'm able to pop it in to the player and re-live those days from Flint, Albany, and Hudson.

Once again, take lots of pictures, take them during your travels, take them with people in them, and have fun doing it.

Thanks boys for your efforts.
Mark I for one have always enjoyed your DVD's every year and as usual you can use any of the photos that I post to the site from Daytona. You've always done a great job and I hope that you continue to do so!
I agree, please take lots of pictures and post them to the website...but PLEASE...NO PICTURES OF RICHARD IN WOMENS SUIM SUITS!!
Mark, thanks for getting back to me. Things definitely are easier to snag in the digital age, but I'm pretty Paul's still right that pictures belong to the person that took the actual picture. I've sold photographs of mine a few times to film companies and corporate websites. When I've sold photographs, it's been because the corporation or production company found my work on Flickr and contacted me about using it. They couldn't just use it without my permission because they found it online.

If people had wedding pics, I can assure you that it's because they found mine online and saved them. The couple wanted the wedding to be only them and I kept it that way. Other people were on tours that day, but no one went to the actual wedding. No one else even knew it was happening. We kept it secret and not even the other meet committee members knew about it until after it happened.

I do appreciate that you tried to not use my pics to the best of your ability. Maybe Paul has a good idea about having meet attendees who want their pics on the DVD e-mail you their pics though. By having them personally e-mail you their pics, you know that you definitely have their permission and they know that there's a chance that their pics might be on the DVD. Plus, if people have to e-mail them to you maybe they will be more cognizant of what they are sending and only send pictures that they took themselves.

As for my opinion of the DVD, I only saw it once because a friend of mine that did buy it showed it to me. He thought I might be interested in it considering it was of the meet I helped to host. From what I saw that one time though, it was a good slideshow of the meet.
I have been researching this whole website picture issue since Sarah has brought this matter to a head. It has been an ongoing issue with pictures, and people claiming that they own the pictures and want them removed. For this reason, I researched how this is handled by Facebook, since Facebook is many pictures are shared, and also downloaded by others and sent around. I learned that once you post the picture on Facebook, that you give up all copyrights to Facebook concerning anything that you post on Facebook. If anyone doesn't want their photos shared, then I suggest that you don't post them on Facebook.

I have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on internet hosting fees for the many thousands of pictures I currently have online. Years ago I discovered several pictures of mine were being used on the "Cadillac Database" website. I was fairly pleased, if suprised. I was contacted last year by the CLC for permission to use a picture of an ambulance that had been taken in NJ in 2008 - like Sarah's pictures, it was found on Flickr. I did give them permission of course. Mark has my permission to use my pictures. In the past I have taken many pictures of people - at the Banquet, for example - and they are also on Flickr. I must warn people, however, that I tend to upload and tag in bulk on Flickr, so the tags used don't always apply equally to all pictures...