Storms Storms & More Storms!

Just wanted to check on the PCS Family, and make sure everyone is ok. I know over the past few days these storms and tornados have ben moving from state to state causing a ton of damage, injories, and deaths. I've had many of you on my mind over the past couple of days, and just wanted to make sure everyone along with there familys are ok. In a few hours its going to be moving in to Kentucky and Tennessee. Looks like we're in for a rough night.

It didn't get as bad as they were thinking it was going to here in southern Kentucky and Tennessee, so everything is ok here also.

Big, nasty storm came rolling through here last evening. High winds, lots of rain, a couple funnel clouds and baseball sized hail. Keep in mind that 1" hail around here is considered HUGE, that baseball sized stuff was nasty. Then big, loud thunderstorms all night long. Sleep was little hard to come by. We've got one dog that thinks she can "bark away" thunder. Didn't say she was real bright, that's just how she thinks.

Broken windshields all over the place, lots of dinged up cars, couple of barns blown into the next county. Good news is nobody hurt. Supposedly round 2 is going to fire up later tonight.
Parts of s.e. michigan had there storm pumps get overloaded and stop Due to the the heavy rain flooding basements and alot of streets yesterday i had to move my car the water was @bottom of my door lip on the drivers side able to get in on pass. side sorry no pics due to the a certain family member that hates pics of things caused by mother nature.