What some of you might not realize...
If you're fairly new to the PCS scene, you may not know that Steve is a veteran of photographing professional cars and trading photos with others of like mind and interest. When I joined PCS in 1987 (at age 15), I immediately began trading photos with several people, including Steve. Remember, this was in the pre-digital / internet era when we used film cameras and traded photos by writing a letter and enclosing a stack of prints in the envelope. I knew early on that Steve was serious about this; he even wrote me a letter once, offering some constructive criticism on how to properly photograph cars.
I was fortunate to get in with the group of serious vehicle photographers and traders (including Steve Loftin, Bernie DeWinter, John Schmidt, Kent Roduck, Tom Parkinson, Terry Lange, Dr. Roger White, and Steve Lichtman) just before the "good 'ol days" of routinely finding quickly disappearing coach-style ambulances and quality Saturday morning hearse hunting excursions ended.
Thanks, Steve, for continuing to do what you've done for years; sharing your fascinating collection of material and expertise!