Spam Warning!

Skip Goulet - Deceased 1945 - 2018

August 19, 1945 - July 26, 2018
Sometime over the holiday my personal email was hacked and it has been sending out spam to a large number of my contacts.

I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that a number of PCS members and PCI members have been sending out spam.

Please watch your personal accounts. They seem to be targeting us for some reason.
Change password

Skip, it's a 'bot' that got your email account password. My hotmail account was hacked late last year so I changed my password. That fixed the problem. Use a strong password and it will be much harder to break or retrieve..... When I mean strong, I mean something like this: $k1p-6ou1e7 [skip goulet if you can't figure it]. Using other symbols and numbers besides letters in passwords makes them stronger...:toocool:
Thanks for your suggestions, Don. I have changed the password and the signature. I haven't changed the actual email address, and I'm not sure if that's necessary.

Let me correct a big glaring error! My original post reads like some of our members from both clubs were sending out Spam. What I meant to say is that some of them were also hit with spam as was I. Hope that clarifies things. Sometimes my fingers get ahead of my brain!
No, Skip, you don't need to change your email address/account...just the password. Unless your whole email account has been hijacked [someone else has access and is sending out spam from your email address all the time], when this happens, then that's when you need to set up a new email address.
No, Skip, you don't need to change your email address/account...just the password. Unless your whole email account has been hijacked [someone else has access and is sending out spam from your email address all the time], when this happens, then that's when you need to set up a new email address.

Well, today, Don, I got back into my account. I changed the password and everything seems to be o.k. But there was another spam attempt on my email, so I deleted it immediately. Don't think there was enough time to do any damage.