sold my coach

with a sense of regret i sold my s&s yesterday. i was offered a deal to good to pass up. also took a 94 buick roadmaster in on trade. still trying to buy a 66 but nobody has the courtesy to return my calls. looking at a crterion seen on cr but i think its probaly more than im willing to do.looks like a nice car but ... guess i need to call. 10 years with previous car and was not looking to sell but the good news is its going to a paint shop and then back in service with a local fh. not going to be a garage queen like it was with me. guess it wont have 6500 miles much longer. wife alresdy saying remodel some but im gonna buy another procar and get her a new paintbrush and a couple gallons of paint and then go move in the motorhome until she calms down. o well the procar bug has bitten and theres no backing up now. my reverse lights aint comin on. anybody else been through this? ill be looking for a new [to me] car but i think im gonna look for a car or sub hightop thats close to ready instead of a 2 year resto.. but who knows..just venting to people who probaly understand. wish me luck
yes best of luck

I know some of what you wife will not touch my coach nor ride in it and was not pleased when it showed up, but had I asked first, I still would not have one. She has calmed down though and it is now just part of my strangeness. It sure has not changed my fondness for my baby.

Good Luck

know what you mean

mine wont go near a coach but allows me some leway as i allow her her 6 westies. the old give and take. we give they take. glad to know im not alone in my obsession or if you will hobby. thanks for not letting me feel alone in my present obsession
good luck and...

Good luck finding your next procar.
After 43 years I still find it easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Maybe there should be something in those vows that also says 'though his/her obsessions will drive me crazy'.
I feel your pain... my wife is really not into the whole "procar thing" when I brought my Eureka home she just looked at me with that look and said ...WHY IS THERE A HEARSE IN MY DRIVEWAY ???? and shock her head and walked away !! But I must say she has in time got use to it .....she just thinks I'm a very strange puppy and wonder's why she married me ?? .....BUT HEY......MY DOGS LIKE IT !!!!
Feel it as well and took a ton of heat when I grabbed the Criterion. Now all I get is, "When is it gone?" to which I reply "I just got it, can't I play with it for a little bit".

with a sense of regret i sold my s&s yesterday. i was offered a deal to good to pass up. also took a 94 buick roadmaster in on trade. still trying to buy a 66 but nobody has the courtesy to return my calls.

Kyle,are you talking about the 66 near Houston Tx ??
If so,I tried to contact the ambulance service that has it for over a month,called everyone including the dispatch..and she said she would give them the message,ALL with NO LUCK.....even tried the owners cell and the managers cell and voice.....makes you wonder if they really want to sell....:pat:
at baystar ambulance

thats it, drove down there and looked at it and left a card and told 2 people to relay message that i am a buyer if we can come to a understandig but to no evail. wont call me back and called 3 times. am gonna let it sit for a few days and then drive back down there. only about 23 miles from my office. would like to have it but it will need work. couldnt get under it but i think floors are rusted. wasp nest in rear for sure as my son was stung when we opened door. its all there with the exception of cot hooh and a few other items that i just might have. kept a lot of stuff from my parents fh and now its time to find something to use them on. im trying! will find out who manager is from my bro at pasadena pd and maybe get a foot in the door...
Feel it as well and took a ton of heat when I grabbed the Criterion. Now all I get is, "When is it gone?" to which I reply "I just got it, can't I play with it for a little bit".


just do what i do. I say "But baby. It's up for sale. No one is buying in this economy." 8 years later I still have my Buick and now a Cadillac.:specool:
Im glad I dont have those problems, mine is more dissapointed that I have not been able to buy another one recently.
I would NEVER get involved with someone that did not like these cars, they are too much a part of who I am.
Im glad I dont have those problems, mine is more dissapointed that I have not been able to buy another one recently.
I would NEVER get involved with someone that did not like these cars, they are too much a part of who I am.

I agree with you John...I have to tell my wife.....NO.......I dont want another car right now.........she grew up with collector cars in her family and now after 32 years of married bliss...we are owners of no less then 12 cars..nothing newer then 1971......but only have ONE Pro car ......but who knows......:clap:
Im glad I dont have those problems, mine is more dissapointed that I have not been able to buy another one recently.
I would NEVER get involved with someone that did not like these cars, they are too much a part of who I am.

does your wife have a SISTER ????? lol :goodnight_smi:
does your wife have a SISTER ????? lol :goodnight_smi:

Actually she does, but she in engaged and not into cars. Sorry.
I just got lucky with mine, her grandpa, dad, and uncle worked (uncle still does) for a hearse dealer, and her dad is a PCS member so she has grown up around these cars. I met her at a PCS get together her dad put on.
I'm just waiting [cringing?] at the thought of my wife's reaction to my first pro-car when I find it. It'll most likely have to be worked on for a while and I can hear her say:' Jesus, what were you thinking when you bought this!?' I'll probably have to keep it hidden in a storage unit somewhere for a bit until it looks reasonably presentable.....
I'm just waiting [cringing?] at the thought of my wife's reaction to my first pro-car when I find it. It'll most likely have to be worked on for a while and I can hear her say:' Jesus, what were you thinking when you bought this!?' I'll probably have to keep it hidden in a storage unit somewhere for a bit until it looks reasonably presentable.....

Tell her your on a "MISSION" from GOD !! :drive2::smiley_w_ballbat:
Mike, IF I do that, she'll be just like Carrie Fisher in her '76 Pontiac Grand Prix following me around with a bazooka pointed at me when I least expect it!! LOL