Took the 67 M-M to the cruise-in a few miles down the road lastnight, over in Mt Juliet. There were about 200 cars there, and a ton of spectators. I barely got to walk around and look at all the other cars, or even sit down, for all the people coming over and talking looking and asking questions about the car. I've never seen so many people at any car show, or cruise-in, that were so interested in looking at the car and asking questions about it. I even talked to one guy who said he use to work at a Funeral Home that had 2 cars just like mine, one was a 67, and the other was a 68. Bothe, black M-M combos. I also talked to another guy that remembered seeing our cars at the cruise-in we went to at the Nashville Volunteer Chapter meet 2 years ago. It was a great time, and met lots of great people. Here are a couple pics I took.