Saturdays big car cruize

John Royark JR

PCS Member
Every Memorial day weekend a local radio station sponsers a big car cruize in their town. Admission is free and they have great food vendors all over, and usually brings 800+ cars. They block off the streets downtown and you just cruize for 4 hours, no trophys or B.S.
Anyway, Christie took a pic of my 49 S&S lights and siren blaring, and the flamethrowers (they get alot bigger but its hard to catch it on camera).
We also spotted this 67 Superior Consort ambulance that is fairly original, and yes I gave him info on the PCS.
cruize 004.jpg

cruize 008.jpg

cruize 006.jpg

cruize 005.jpg

cruize 007.jpg
copy cats are everywere. like the way he put the bigger stuff on the glass. lot easer to get off that way. but it does look like a vary nice compleat car. unless he made the inside into a plumers truck. seen a lot of boxes gone that way.

but really you should be rosting hot dogs on those flames.
copy cats are everywere. like the way he put the bigger stuff on the glass. lot easer to get off that way. but it does look like a vary nice compleat car. unless he made the inside into a plumers truck. seen a lot of boxes gone that way.

but really you should be rosting hot dogs on those flames.

Inside is still complete original from what I saw.
The Pontiac is a 1968 and it has Corvair taillamps... The Corvair motor home is what is affectionately known as "a whale"...
say what you want I do know that is the way to get noticed. the line of people that drove by my house to look at the jail busters car showed me that. nothing on this one that a paint job will not take care of and if he gets his business up and running with it good enough. just letting him know that there are people out there interested in that type of car my be what saves it when he is done. but spring does bring the stuff out of the wood work . a nice collection that shows up. two pro cars to.