Radio dispatched!

Steve, the locations are as above.
I believe the car was originally delivered without an am radio, and it was added by Dr.Roger White.
Steve, the locations are as above.
I believe the car was originally delivered without an am radio, and it was added by Dr.Roger White.
All I see are the control head and speaker. Does it not have a separate chassis (often mounted behind the driver's seat in a procar, or in the trunk of a police car)?
Steve, you are bang on correct. The radio chassis was not available when I restored the head and speaker. While it would be nice to have, it is not dissimilar to a non functional defibrillator in a 70's restoration. I elected to display my Life-pack 6 without the defibrillator module.
Ed, sadly no, though not that much left to listen to on AM radio up here.
Bill, Tony's work is absolutely first rate.
If you want to have the original looking radio that will receive both AM & FS stations, look into having it converted using the Auroa radio mounted inside of your radio case. On the outside it will still look and function like a factory radio and have modern "guts" on the inside. There are 2 installers in Canada, or if you want to send the radio to me I can drop it off the the fellow that did the change over on my 1962 radio. I dropped it off at Fall Carlisle and picked it up at Spring Carlisle (PA) swap meet. That saved me shipping both ways.