Danny Ryder - Deceased - 1962 - 2021
PCS Life Member
Short story: My body shop guy can never seem to get ahead. He is a very religious guy and his family are super people and they even foster several kids. He tries to hire quality people to work in his shop and is fair to work for but he just can't win for loosing. He hired one guy who was really good but a few weeks later the guy's wife left him and he freaked and left the state, another guy had his mother die and he left to stay at home with other family members, the lady that painted the car I sold Jon Vandermark had her mother die and she had to move out of state to look after her brother and only thing she did while at shop was paint the one car. My criterion should have been done months ago but I can't get upset with the guy cause he is trying and I am in no real hurry for the car, maybe he will be done by summer. Anyway, he had moved ahead about a year ago hiring a friend of mine that had been an instructor at a vocational school doing body work so Jim hired him to run his shop for him and he had done really good and Jim loved him but Tony had a problem with his ankle and got to point of needing surgury to correct so couple weeks ago he went in for surgury and they believe he had a blood clot that either went to his heart or brain, sorry I didn't get all the details, but he ended up in a coma for several days and past away sunday and will be buried today. We just never know how short life can be or what will happen to us. He was in good health and was 47 yr old. I used to carry him to high school being I had just got my license and he didn't like riding the bus. I worked with his dad at local ford dealership at one time too. Please remember his family during this unexpected time of sorry. He will be greatly missed.