Prayer for Tom Parkinson

Tom, some of you know, is responsible for some of the best Ambulance Photo's of all time, is not doing so well. Having heart problems for some time, now has had another severe heart attack 3 weeks ago, and told to go home to a hospice, which he refuses to do, since he has 3 Dogs to take care of where he lives in Redfield Arkansas. So God bless him for that! Tom and I worked together in the Ambulances from 1970-1972. He is still one of the best, and know his stuff. I hope all who know of him will say a special prayer
for a miracle and healing. :thumbsup:
We have been fortunate/priveledged to have had a miracle happen to us. I have seldom believed in miracles until it happened to us. I chalked it up to odds. I just want to say faith is greater than science or common sense at times. Have faith that your work is still not done here on earth. Prayers are powerful, but faith dictionary definition is " Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence" We will have faith that you will heal yourself with positive thoughts, behavior, meditation. Visualize your heart healing itself and that is what we will be wishing you as well. Careful what you pray for also, I prayed specifically for a dear friend to stay for Dawn and I another year and that friend expired exactly a year to the day. I wish I would of asked for more than that year looking back.

after praying with him he told me the next day that the pain had subsided, and he had the best pain free day since his heart attack. So here, here, to answered prayer. Tom is a dedicated hobbiest as a Ambulance photographer for the past 43 years. Un-beknowing, all of have seen his hard work
contributions :angel: to the industry and hobby.