Pontiac Superior Horn Problem

Eric N Parry

PCS Member
The horns on my 74 Superior Pontiac hi top are not working. No juice getting to the horns. One horn works when hot wired. Can someone point me to where the relay may be located? The Horn/Siren switch on the above head panel has no connections to it. Wiring is a mess. You get the picture. Any help as to where to begin would be appreciated.
This is general information about how the horn/siren switch works. There are minor differences in the various years of the vehicles and brands of vehicles.
The wire comes down the steering column mast jacket and goes into a connector and wire that goes out to the horn relay, which traditionally is mounted on the firewall in the engine compartment. When you depress the horn ring or button on the steering wheel it grounds out that wire and the horn(s) will blow. If a horn/siren switch is connected there is a break in the wire that comes down the column and it is extended to go to the middle terminal of the horn/siren switch. One side of the switch will go to a relay that activates the siren when the relay is grounded. When the switch is moved to the horn side, the wire on that terminal of the switch will go back to the steering column and be connected back to the wire that was previously cut and goes to the horn relay. If you need a wiring schematic of the wiring, let me know and I will draw it for you. This explanation is for a mechanical siren. If you have an electronic siren, then you will need a wiring schematic for the siren to know exactly how they are wired. I haven't wired an electronic siren in over 50 years and I don't remember all the details of how it was done.
Thanks Paul, this is very helpful, I have a wiring diagram so I will start by tracing the horn wire coming from the steering column, I suspect it that it was wired up to that siren/horn switch area and either was never connected or was disconnected along the way, there are no wires physically connected to that switch, but there is a mess of wires up there that I can start to trace back to the steering wheel horn switches which I have exposed. There is no horn relay on the firewall and no loose wires or connectors that I can see. I will check under the dash on the passenger side terminal block to see if it might be there. It was nice meeting you at the meet in York!
And thanks for your help.
Try left side fender or radiator suported. See them on the fender brace also. The way to find it is start at the horn and trace that wire back. rectangle box silver with 4 wires on it. both horns a hot wire and the ground from the steering wheel.
Okay thanks John, will try again. Also, the driver's side horn does not work, but the passenger side does. Is there anyone out there who can tell me if the driver side horn is the high or low note? It will need to be replaced and I want to get the right note. Thanks again everyone for your help.
You can try the wd-40 trick. Spray a liberal amount of in into the horn then bang it around a bit hook 12 volts to it do that a couple of times. See if you can cleant the contacts a d get it to work. Some times they do sometimes that don't.
Okay thanks John, will try again. Also, the driver's side horn does not work, but the passenger side does. Is there anyone out there who can tell me if the driver side horn is the high or low note? It will need to be replaced and I want to get the right note. Thanks again everyone for your help.
When you remove the horn, it is usually marked on the horn itself or sometimes on the bracket. Look for a part number on the horn and I might be able to give you a range of years that the horn was used on. There is also a company that does horn rebuilding, but it is costly to have them done. The only time that I recommend that is if the car is going to be a show car, not a daily driver.
Okay I will try the WD-40 horn banging technique to see if I can shake things into working! Much appreciated, will let you know how I make out.