PCS International Meet 2012 Raffle

Danny Ryder donated this antique portable funeral set-up to be raffled off at the PCS International Meet 2012 Daytona Beach.

You get the backdrop, both lamps, casket beir, overlay, and casket. Approximate value $500.

Thank you Danny.

PS: If this needs to be moved to another spot please do so.


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how about the reds on the floor. see any thing else on the bench? looks like a nice set up just the thing for the spair bed room. it's people like Danny that keep us comming back.
how about the reds on the floor. see any thing else on the bench? looks like a nice set up just the thing for the spair bed room. it's people like Danny that keep us comming back.

I saw those and that pick up truck which was Danny's father's truck. There will be a couple red's given as door prizes as well as, who knows what else. Time to clear out the garage.

If anyone has anything they want to bring and donate as a door prize, please do. Much appreciated!

A question came up about the proceeds and what they would be used for. All proceeds will be given back to the PCS accounting department.

Now, if there is an excess of funds the Lifeliner can always use another paint job. :clubem:

I would like donations to be given out as door prizes but since Danny's donation is rather expensive, use this one as the only raffle item.
box it up and send it home fright. John, you win it I'll go half the fright for it'
Debera would have it set up in the living room all we ask for is pictures.
No need to worry about US or UK customs... it's Canadian customs we need to worry about !


I wanted to buy it last year but had run out of funds by the end of the week.
What I had left I used to buy a old rusty church truck from Danny.

Lucky I had a credit card for gas on the way home.

If Jon does win it, I'm sure it would be homey in their place !!!

Looking forward to Daytona !!!

P.S. Thanks Danny for the cool raffle prize !